Chapter 17: Shake It Off

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Shake It Off

Jack, October

That night I get a text from Emma.

Emma: She's going back tomorrow

Me: K. I'll meet you in the parking lot before school

Emma: ♥ What did Bree say? Was she mad?

Me: Naw. Not mad. Said she wasn't feeling well. I think she's coming down with something.

Emma: Good. I mean not about her being sick. Just, she's already pissed at me about Cash, even though he's totally ghosted me...

               Me: You're too good for him anyway. Stick with Toby. He's solid.

She went to Homecoming with Toby Evans from the JV team. He's a junior, and while he's not a star athlete or anything, he'll treat Emma right. Can't say the same for Cash.

                        Emma: ☺ He's sweet. Ok, I'll text you when we're almost to the school

                                    Me: K. Thanks

I send a snap to the group of guys on the team that Peyton is friends with—Rafa, Beto, Louie, Darius, Geno, Lucas, and, reluctantly, Marshall. They all agree to meet me in the lot tomorrow.


When they pull into the lot, Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off" is blaring from Peyton's speakers. That had to be all Emma. Peyton's musical tastes tend toward the dark and angry. I still haven't figured out what the hell she's so mad about, though. I mean, sure, Cash and everything, but she's seemed kind of pissed off at the world since the day I met her, before this shit show started.

There's still so much about her that's a mystery. I'm sure Emma would talk if I pressed her, but the point is not so much getting the info as it is that I want Peyton to want to open up to me.

When she spots us, she cocks her head to the right as she parks. Then she glances at Emma, who pretends to be surprised. "Hey, what's going on?" Emma asks, smiling.

"We're going to escort you ladies into the school."

I fall in step with Peyton.

"This was your idea, right?" She asks me.


"You didn't have to do this, Jack."

"You're my friend. I always look out for my friends, Thomas."

I walk her all the way to her locker. She takes a deep breath in anticipation of what she's afraid awaits her. When she opens it, finding its contents restored, a little flash of emotion flitters across her face—she swallows hard, blinks rapidly.

"Somebody cleaned it out..." She turns to me.

I shake my head. "Can't take credit for this one."



"How does he know my combo?"

I laugh. "I was wondering the same thing."

She smiles. "He's got spidey senses I think."

"I was thinking Batman, but that works too."

She picks up a piece of paper from the bottom of her locker. It's folded and taped shut.

"What's that?" I ask.

She shrugs and tucks it into her biology book.

"Probably you shouldn't read that," I say.

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