Chapter 31: Somewhere Only We Know

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Chapter 31: Somewhere Only We Know


I heard screams so loud they carried through the forest and up to the treetop where I always sat. I climbed down the branches, hopped to the ground, and ran toward the sound. Whether they were cries of pain or cries of fear, I couldn't tell.

I followed the creek bed until I got to the swimming hole where their voices echoed through the pines. Then I saw them, their two dark forms in the pooling water intertwined as one. They separated, splashing and laughing.

I snuck closer to the pool and stood there waiting for my brother to notice me.

The girl saw me first. She whispered in his ear and pointed. He whipped his head around, scanning the trees.

"Jesus, Jack. Son, you scared the crap outta me."

"Watcha doing, Joe?" I asked from the shadows.

"Just taking a dip. Why ain't you home?"

They both looked at me, waiting for an answer. But I wouldn't answer.

Not in front of her.

"I best get on now, Liza." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and pulled her by the hand to the small sandy beach. Her hair streamed down her back in a long black curtain. She put on her jean shorts and T-shirt and turned back to Joe.

"See ya tomorrow, Josiah?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Maybe so, Liza. Maybe so."

He tied his plaid flannel around his waist. "Come on now, chief."

Joe, lean and lanky, and already six feet tall at fourteen, rested his hand on top of my head as we walked slowly down the dark path on the forest floor.

"Whatcha doing with Elizabeth Walker?" I asked him. "You said she's like a fly buzzing on a cow patty."

Joe giggled. "No, I didn't. Did I?"

"Yeah. You did."

"Well, son. Sometimes a man just gets lonely. Needs a little lovin."

"And she gives you...loving?"

"A little."

I knew even then what it was to feel lonely. Taking love wherever it was offered. And I think I understood a little why Joe would turn to someone like Elizabeth Walker.

"Maybe you should go with her. It's getting dark."

"Nah. She'll be alright. I'll walk you home instead," Joe said, ruffling my hair.

I ducked out of reach.  Strayed a few paces behind.

"What's wrong, chief?" he asked, taking a pack of Marlboros out of his shirt pocket. He packed them tight against the heel of his hand before selecting one. He lit the end and took a long pull.

"Dad'll have your hide, he catches you doing that," I told him.

Joe blew out a stream of smoke and watched it waft upward into the trees. "I expect he'll have my hide, either way."


"Why what?"

"Why's he so mean to you all the time?"

Joe looked at the burning end of the cigarette, flicked the ash, and shrugged. "Cuz I'm there. And I ain't a golden boy like Jake. I ain't little like you. And I ain't a pussy like Jesse."

"Don't call him that."

"Aw, son. I know Jess is your boy and all. But ain't no backbone to him. He just takes it. Stays quiet. I'm the only one a y'all with the grit to stand up to The Man."

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