An orc and her prince (part 5)

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All character are 18 years of age or older. This is a fictional story and is not to be emulated.

As the storm finally subsided, signaling their departure from the safety of the cave, Morga's tender smile illuminated the dim surroundings. With gentle strength, she lifted Lilly into her sturdy arms, effortlessly hoisting him onto her broad shoulders. Despite his protests, Morga refused to let her delicate princess walk, determined to carry him every step of the way to the orc kingdom.

However, as they journeyed together, Lilly couldn't shake the feeling of being overly coddled by his orcish protector. While Morga's steady strides covered a significant amount of ground, he longed to feel the earth beneath his own feet once more. Despite his appreciation for Morga's care, a part of him yearned for a sense of independence and autonomy on their journey.

Morga insisted on continuing to carry Lilly, citing the rugged terrain ahead as a reason to spare him from excessive walking. However, Lilly reasoned that he needed to walk more to keep his butt in shape, prompting Morga to agree, admitting that she liked his butt in shape as well. Thus, they struck a compromise: Lilly would walk more, but when he grew too tired, he would return to his orc protector, who would carry him the rest of the way.

This arrangement allowed Lilly to maintain a balance between exerting himself and receiving the comfort of Morga's support, ensuring that they made progress on their journey while also taking care of his physical well-being.

Despite their progress on the journey, Morga recognized the importance of stopping every night to allow Lilly and herself to rest. She would also occasionally pause their travels to hunt for food. However, after about a week of traveling together, Morga found herself once again reaching her limit in terms of sexual desire.

As they set up camp one evening, the tension between them was palpable. Lilly couldn't help but notice the way Morga struggled to contain her arousal, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts. With each passing moment, Lilly grew more curious about why Morga hadn't face fucked him again. However, as he observed her, he soon realized the reason behind her restraint – she was doing it for his sake.

Determined to show her appreciation for Morga's care and support, Lilly decided to take matters into his own hands. After they finished setting up camp and Morga sat down, visibly panting from the effort of restraining herself, Lilly made his move. Ignoring Morga's attempts to protest, he crawled between her legs, his hands gently caressing her thighs as he looked up at her with a determined expression.

With a mixture of shock and desire, Morga gazed down at him, her breath catching in her throat. Before she could say anything, Lilly interrupted her, his voice firm yet filled with sincerity. "Morga, you've been taking such good care of me. Let me take care of you now." And with that, he leaned in, his lips kissing her inner thighs as he began to worship her with fervent devotion.

Lilly couldn't resist the allure of Morga's throbbing member, eagerly kissing and licking the outline of her bulging cock through the fabric of her pants with his cute mouth. With trembling hands, he grabbed the waistband and pulled it down, revealing Morga's impressive length. The sight of her erect cock sprang out, slapping Lilly's face, eliciting a deep blush from him. Undeterred by the unexpected contact, Lilly wrapped his delicate fingers around Morga's thick, veiny shaft, marveling at its size and girth. His finger tips had a large gap between them when he gripped her cock.

Despite Morga's efforts to restrain herself, her cock was slick with sweat and musk, the result of days without bathing. But Lilly found the salty tang of her arousal intoxicating, relishing in the earthy flavor of her Orc Goddess. With slow, deliberate movements, he began to clean every inch of her cock, starting from the base and working his way up to the tip.

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