An orc and her prince: lilly's home

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All characters are 18 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction and is not to be emulated.

As Lilly sat in the carriage with Morga, the presence of the queen's guards provided a sense of security, ensuring that they would not encounter any further trouble with bandits on their journey back to the elven kingdom. Despite the protection afforded by the orcish guards, Lilly couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that gnawed at him, his mind consumed by thoughts of the impending confrontation with his parents. With his blonde hair done up in a bun and his delicate features enhanced by the makeup he had purchased in the orc kingdom, Lilly appeared every bit the picture of femininity. His big blue eyes sparkled with a hint of uncertainty, accentuated by the eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow that adorned them. His lips, painted in a pretty glossy pink shade, parted slightly as he chewed nervously on his lower lip, his cheeks flushed with a hint of blush. Despite his efforts to embrace his newfound femininity, Lilly couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he contemplated the reactions of his parents to his transformation. The thought of their disapproval weighed heavily on him, casting a shadow over what should have been a joyous homecoming. But as the carriage rattled on, drawing closer to the elven kingdom with each passing moment, Lilly grew more uncomfortable.

Lilly then began to remember his little sister, and how she would also cause him even more fear.

As Lilly reflected on his relationship with his younger sister, a pang of anxiety gripped his heart, knowing that she would likely relish the opportunity to see him humiliated and diminished in the eyes of their parents. He couldn't help but imagine her delight at the sight of him, transformed into a delicate princess and seemingly unfit to inherit the throne that she coveted so fervently. Memories of her cruel taunts and dismissive attitude toward his girlish tendencies flooded Lilly's mind, serving as a painful reminder of the resentment and animosity that had always existed between them. He knew that his sister would seize upon his transformation as an opportunity to further undermine his standing in their family, using his newfound femininity as ammunition to bolster her own claim to the throne. And while part of Lilly dreaded the inevitable confrontation with his sister, another part of him found solace in the knowledge that he was no longer beholden to the expectations and demands of royal succession. As he prepared to face his family once more.

As Morga glanced over at Lilly, she could see the worry etched on his delicate features, a furrow of concern marring his otherwise serene expression. Sensing his distress, she reached out a hand to gently brush away a stray lock of his blonde hair, her touch soft and comforting against his skin.

"Lilly, my sweet princess," Morga began, her voice gentle yet firm, "what is troubling you? You know that I am here for you, no matter what issue may lie when we arrive."

Lilly hesitated for a moment, his blue eyes filled with uncertainty as he struggled to find the words to articulate his fears. Finally, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I-I'm just scared, Morga," he admitted, his voice trembling with emotion. "Scared of what my family will think of me, of how they'll react to... to what I've become. Our relationship will also not help me"

Morga's nodded slightly as she was also unsure what to do? She knew the king all too well and how red his face would get and the angry shout he would give when he found out Morga had turned their son into her bitch. But honestly Lilly was already more than halfway to being a girl on his own. Was lilly really that different now?

"You have nothing to fear, my dear," Morga reassured him, her voice steady and comforting. "Even if they reject you, I won't. After all, you will be coming home with me anyways. And if they refuse the deal, there is again no issue, as we can easily conquer this kingdom. As you may have noticed, in the kingdom, we prefer indulging in pleasure over engaging in war. That's why we need to pursue peace, but if need be, we will conquer them, so don't stress about the deal, or about what they will say to you about how you look."

Lilly's gaze softened at Morga's words, a flicker of hope shining in his eyes as he took comfort in her unwavering love and support.

"Thank you, Morga," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Morga smiled tenderly at Lilly, her heart swelling with love for her precious princess. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their bond of love and devotion.

As they arrived in town after about a week of travel, Morga's patience with Lilly had reached its limit. Eager to quench her lust, she wasted no time booking a private room at a tavern. With a hunger in her eyes, Morga pulled Lilly close, her strong arms enveloping him as she pressed her lips hungrily against his.

With a fierce passion, Morga ravished Lilly, her powerful thrusts overwhelming him as she took him with abandon. Moans of pleasure filled the air as their bodies collided in a fervent dance of desire, each movement sending waves of ecstasy coursing through them.

Meanwhile, the other futa orcs, equally desperate for release, sought solace in the arms of the elven brothel's willing companions. With a primal urgency, they indulged in carnal delights, their bodies entwined in a whirlwind of lust and desire.

Finally, as the night wore on and their cravings were sated, it was time for Morga and Lilly to face the inevitable confrontation awaiting them at the castle, where his parents and sister awaited their arrival.

Lilly, still naked from her passionate encounter with Morga, felt the lingering warmth of her cum coating her thighs as she stood beside her orcish lover. Her face painted and her belly full. She stepped away leaving a satisfied Morga on the bed as she took a bath and got dressed to go see her parents.

Lilly, having cleaned herself up after her passionate encounter with Morga, felt the lingering sensation of her lover's cum still inside her as she stood beside her orcish companion. Though she was dressed now, the memory of their intimate union remained fresh in her mind, adding an extra layer of discomfort to her already anxious state.

Despite her efforts to compose herself, Lilly couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that lingered beneath the surface, a nagging reminder of the raw intimacy she had shared with Morga just moments ago. With each step towards the castle, she could feel the weight of their clandestine tryst bearing down on her, a silent burden that she carried with her into the grand hall.

As they entered the opulent chamber, Lilly's nerves were on edge, her senses heightened as she prepared to face her family. She couldn't help but feel exposed under their scrutiny, her body still humming with the aftershocks of pleasure from her encounter with Morga.

Despite her unease, Lilly maintained a facade of composure, her posture straight and her expression neutral as they approached the throne. She knew that her parents would be shocked by her appearance, but she also knew that she had Morga's unwavering support to lean on.

As they bowed before the king and queen, Lilly felt a surge of apprehension wash over her, her heart pounding in her chest as she lifted her head to meet their gaze. She could sense the tension in the air, the unspoken questions and judgments that hung between them, but she refused to let her fear show.

With a deep breath, Lilly summoned the strength to stand tall, her resolve unwavering as she prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She may have been filled with orcish cum and apprehension, but she was determined to see their mission through to the end, no matter the cost.

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