An orc and her pronce (part 7)

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All character are 18 years of age or over. This is fiction and is not to be emulated. (Talk of rape in a playful setting. But Never condoned outside of fiction.)

As Lilly and Morga embarked on the final leg of their journey, Lilly's mind buzzed with questions for Morga. Walking beside her orcish companion, Lilly couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

Lilly hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to voice her thoughts to Morga. Looking up at her with a mixture of curiosity and affection, Lilly broached the topic that had been weighing on her mind.

"Hey, Morga," Lilly began tentatively, "I've been thinking... We never really talked about what happened between us on this journey. I mean, I enjoy sucking your green orc cock, but that one day you decided to throat fuck me. It was intense, and I loved it, but it caught me off guard. Why did you decide to do that all of a sudden?"

Morga let out a snort, a hint of amusement in her expression as she responded to Lilly's question.

"Well, you were practically begging for it, weren't you?" Morga retorted with a playful smirk, teasing Lilly lightly.

Rolling her eyes at Morga's response, Lilly couldn't help but press on with her questions, driven by her curiosity.

"Since when did you start feeling that way about me?" Lilly asked, her tone a blend of amusement and genuine interest.

Morga's recalled the past with a hint of longing as she plunged into the depths of her memories, her voice laden with raw honesty and unfiltered desire as she revealed the origins of her intense feelings.

"From the very start," she admitted, her words dripping with a potent mix of nostalgia and longing. "Since the moment I took on the mantle of your protector, I was engulfed by fantasies of raping that soft ass and mouth of yours. However, they remained mere fantasies, until..."

Morga paused, her expression turning hungry as she recalled that intense night. "Until that night I shoved my Green meat down your throat," she confessed.

Lilly's frowned as she processed Morga's words. "Hmm, I don't remember consenting to that. So I guess you did rape me," she stated, her voice full of playful accusation.

Morga's grin widened mischievously as she retorted, "Every time you eagerly wrapped those luscious lips around my throbbing green cock, you were giving me your consent, whether you realized it or not."

Lilly's frown deepened, a mixture of confusion and disbelief clouding her features. "But when did I ever explicitly consent?" she protested.

Morga chuckled, her voice dripping with amusement. "Darling, your actions spoke louder than words. Your eager submission, your insatiable hunger for my cock... That was all the consent I needed," she explained, her gaze locking with Lilly's in a challenge.

"And besides," she added with a playful wink, "you seemed to enjoy every moment of it."

Lilly's emotions surged as Morga hit the nail on the head. She began to pout somewhat frustrated. Morga merely laughed lightly, finding Lilly's pout irresistibly cute.

"Oh, pouty girl, come on," Morga teased gently, her tone warm yet teasing. "We're gonna camp up ahead. Tell you what, I won't make you suck my cock today at all. If you can resist, I won't ever fuck you without your very explicit consent. But if you do, then that means I'm free to pound your mouth without question, just like I have been."

Lilly hesitated, unsure of how to respond. "Wait, I didn't say I don't like sucking on it," she protested, feeling a mixture of defiance and desire.

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