An orc and her prince (part 6)

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All character are 18 years of age or over. This is a fantasy story and is not to be emulated.

As they wait for their clothes to dry by the flickering firelight, Lilly's thoughts wander to the tantalizing taste of Morga's sweat and musk, the memory still fresh in her mind. Unable to resist the urge any longer, Lilly boldly takes the initiative, dropping to her knees before Morga and taking her thick, veiny cock into her mouth. Morga's sharp intake of breath spurs Lilly on, and soon she's lost in the rhythm of sucking and stroking, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head, eliciting guttural moans of pleasure from her orcish lover. Encouraged by Morga's responses, Lilly's hands roam freely over Morga's muscular thighs and firm buttocks, relishing in the sensation of her powerful body beneath her fingertips.

As the heat of their passion builds, Morga takes control, guiding Lilly's movements with expert precision. With a mischievous glint in her eye, Morga teases Lilly's puckered entrance, eliciting a surprised gasp from the princess. Undeterred, Morga presses forward, slipping a finger into Lilly's tight boy hole, causing her to squirm and whimper with delight. Sensing Lilly's need, Morga redoubles her efforts, alternating between thrusting her finger deep inside Lilly and bobbing her head on to her throbbing cock. The dual sensations overwhelm Lilly, her body trembling with pleasure as she surrenders completely to Morga's touch.

With each passing moment, their connection deepens, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they explore the depths of their desire. Morga's fingers work their magic, coaxing Lilly to the brink of ecstasy, while Lilly's fervent sucking drives Morga to the edge of control. It's a symphony of pleasure and passion, a dance of give and take that transcends words. And as they cling to each other in the dim light of the cave, their cries of pleasure mingling with the crackle of the fire, they know that this moment, this shared intimacy, is something truly special.

Lilly's body quivers with newfound pleasure as he reaches his peak, his cock spasming as he releases a torrent of cum onto Morga's thigh. It's a sight that fills Morga with delight, the realization that she's the one responsible for drawing such sweet release from her princess stirring something primal within her. With a wicked grin, she commands Lilly to clean up his mess, relishing in the way his eyes meet hers as he complies without hesitation.

As Lilly obediently crawls over to Morga's thigh, her tongue eagerly lapping up the sticky remnants of his arousal, Morga can't help but feel a surge of possessiveness wash over her. With a firm hand, she lifts Lilly into her lap, positioning him as though she's about to administer punishment. But instead of a spanking, Lilly is met with the delicious intrusion of Morga's finger, probing and exploring his tight hole with a mixture of gentleness and determination.

With each delicate thrust of her finger, Morga sends waves of pleasure coursing through Lilly's body, his girlish coos and moans music to her ears. She revels in the sensation of his velvety walls gripping her finger, his body yielding to her touch with a vulnerability that only serves to fuel her desire. And as she presses against his prostate, eliciting shudders of pleasure from her princess, Morga knows that she's found her true calling – to dominate and pleasure her delicate little princess in ways he never knew possible.

As Morga withdrew her finger from Lilly's eager hole, he couldn't help but protest at the sudden emptiness he felt. Yet, they had a long journey ahead of them, with many miles left to traverse before reaching the orc kingdom. Despite the distance, Lilly couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement on their travels everyday. She quickly went to sleep ready for tomorrow to be here already,

After a night of rest, Morga roused her princess from slumber, their journey through the dense forest continuing as they made their way toward the kingdom. Though the path ahead was uncertain, Lilly felt a newfound sense of determination knowing that Morga was there to guide and protect him every step of the way.

With each step they took, Morga could feel the tension between them growing, a palpable energy crackling in the air as they ventured deeper into the forest. She knew that their destination lay within reach, just waiting to be claimed by her and her princess. And as they pressed forward, Morga couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins, eager to see what awaited them in the orc kingdom.

Each day of their journey brought new discoveries and pleasures for Morga and her princess. As they delved deeper into the forest, Morga took it upon herself to prepare Lilly's eager hole for what she intended to do to it. With expert fingers and special orc cream, she diligently relaxed and stretched his tight opening, gradually molding it to her desires.

Meanwhile, Lilly eagerly serviced Morga's thick green cock, lavishing it with attention as he continued to pleasure her with his mouth and hands. However, one day, Lilly's curiosity led him to explore another part of Morga's body, discovering the soft, wet folds of her pussy hidden beneath her cock and balls. Earning a shocked response from Morga when he touched it.

"What was that?" Lilly inquired, his hands sticky with the unfamiliar substance. Morga hesitated for a moment before explaining, "That's my pussy. As a futa, I have both a cock and a pussy. But it's nothing you need to concern yourself with, your devotion is only to this." She pointed at her big green cock. Despite his curiosity, Lilly decided to respect Morga's instruction and left the topic untouched.

However, armed with this newfound knowledge, Lilly couldn't help but view Morga in a new light, seeing her as a woman through and through. The sight of her breasts stirred a longing within him, and he timidly asked if he could touch them or suckle on her nipples. Morga, eager to indulge him, eagerly agreed, allowing him to explore her body as she continued to stretch him with her skilled fingers.

Over the weeks Lilly's lips and tongue worked eagerly on Morga's breasts, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from the orc as she indulged in the intimate act. Morga reveled in the sensation of Lilly's mouth on her nipples, savoring the attention he lavished on her chest.

However, Morga couldn't resist teasing him, a playful smirk playing on her lips as she remarked, "You know, there's only one place the milk will come from. I don't mind you sucking, but I only have dick milk for you." Despite the teasing, Lilly continued to enjoy the closeness and intimacy they shared, relishing the opportunity to explore Morga's body in new ways.

As the weeks turned into a month, their routine remained unchanged, with Lilly eagerly servicing Morga's cock while occasionally indulging in the pleasure of suckling on her breasts. All while Morga fingered him. She was finally able to for 3 almost 4 fingers in his butt. He was just a bout ready for her to pound his cute butt into the ground.

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