An orc and her prince: Reunion at the Court and going back

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All characters are 18 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction and is not to be emulated.

As Lilly gazed upon her family, she noticed her father's expression was one of stern disapproval, his brow furrowed and his lips set in a tight line. Her mother, on the other hand, wore a mask of shocked disbelief, her eyes wide and her hand clasped tightly over her mouth in horror. And lastly, her sister's expression was one of smug satisfaction, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she took in Lilly's transformed appearance.

"I'm home, mother and father," Lilly managed to say, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she faced her parents, who still seemed unable to fully grasp the reality of the situation. Her mother spoke first, her voice hesitant as she struggled to find the right words. "I see..." she began, her tone filled with a mix of confusion and concern.

Finally, Lilly's father's authoritative voice shattered the tension, commanding everyone to leave the court. Morga, ready to comply, paused when Lilly grabbed her hand, surprising everyone with his assertiveness. "She stays with me," Lilly proclaimed, his tone resolute as he insisted on keeping Morga by his side, much to the astonishment of his family and the courtiers.

Lilly's father, his face contorted with rage, demanded to know why his son appeared before him dressed as a woman and what had transpired during his absence. His voice thundered through the court, echoing off the stone walls as he awaited an explanation from Lilly. There was no mistaking the anger in his tone, nor the disappointment that lurked beneath it, as he struggled to comprehend the transformation that had taken place in his son's absence.

Lilly started to explain to his parents that they were already aware of his feminine inclinations, and that he had made the decision to fully embrace this aspect of himself. He expressed a desire for acceptance from his family but also made it clear that if they couldn't support him, he would return to the orcish kingdom to live as his true self, their daughter, rather than their son. Before his parents could respond, his sister Nessa interjected with a sinister grin, insinuating Morga's involvement in Lilly's transformation.

The king and queen's gaze fell upon Morga, their expressions a mixture of confusion and concern as they noticed her still holding hands with Lilly. The queen's voice rang out, her tone laced with accusation and disbelief as she demanded answers from Morga. "What have you done?" she questioned, her eyes boring into Morga's with a penetrating intensity. "You were entrusted with the safety of my son, but now he stands before us as this. What influence have you wielded over him during your time together?" Her words hung heavy in the air, laden with an unspoken accusation as she awaited Morga's response.

Morga's words cut through the tension like a knife, her declaration leaving no room for doubt or interpretation. "Your son is now mine," she stated bluntly, her tone brooking no argument. As the weight of her words sank in, Lilly's parents were left speechless, their faces contorted with a mixture of disbelief and outrage.

Lilly's discomfort was palpable as he squirmed under the intense scrutiny of his family, his sister's gleeful expression only adding to his unease. Bitch is what was mouthed by Nessa over and over. Lilly felt a pang of humiliation pierce through him, his cheeks burning with shame at the realization of how thoroughly he had been ensnared by Morga's dominance.

Lilly's father's words cut through the air like a whip, each syllable laden with contempt and disgust as he hurled accusations at Morga. The king's fury was palpable, his eyes ablaze with righteous indignation as he confronted the orcish warrior with accusations of failing to protect his son and engaging in what he perceived as abominable acts. Morga could feel the intensity of his rage like a physical force, the weight of his condemnation pressing down on her like a crushing weight. As the tension in the room reached a fever pitch, Lilly could feel the weight of his father's scorn bearing down on him like a heavy burden, his heart heavy with shame and regret, the gravity of the situation sinking in with each passing moment.

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