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" you have to mean it" He snapped at me. The House elf screamed out in pain as he tortured it." stop crying or I'll make you stop" I fell to my knees as visions filled my mind. Voldemort walked closer to me." back on your feet" a pain ripped trough me and I closed my eyes trying to block it out. When the pain stopped, I lay on the ground with tears in my eyes." It seems even after two months, I haven't gotten through to you Haylee"

" I wont do it" I mumbled" you cant make me do this" I yelled and I was hit again with the torture curse." you will do it because if you don't I'll make sure you watch as all your friends, are killed one by one" he walked over and sat by the fireplace." Go back to your room Haylee, we're done for today" I got up and limped out of the door. He had taken me from Spinners end, forced me to learn the three unforgivable curses and kept me locked up inside of Malfoy manor. I hadn't seen Severus, for almost two months. I was lucky I had sent Goldie with a letter to Harry before it happened otherwise she would have gotten hurt. As I passed Draco in the hallway, I noticed a look of sadness and fear in his eyes. He grabbed my hand" Haylee, your Hogwarts letter came in" I looked at him in confusion before he handed me the letter." and Happy Birthday Haylee" my eyes widened, I turned 16 today, I wondered what Harry was doing right now, probably getting himself in trouble.

" thanks Draco" I mumbled before going into my room. I sat on the bed and opened the letter, as I read the marks I smiled, all Os then I noticed the small not written at the bottom. 'keep fighting Miss Potter, you'll be free soon' I frowned but that little message gave me so much hope. I heard footsteps and looked over as the door opened." The dark lord wishes to see you Haylee" Mrs. Malfoy told me and I followed her down the hallway. An hour later I laid on my bed a plan forming in my mind. Once I was at Hogwarts I'd go right to Dumbledore, I'd tell him but that plan could also get people killed.

Meanwhile in spinners end - Third Person POV

 Snape walked up the stairs of his home and stopped in front of the only source of color in the house. A bright purple door with a sign on it that read in big yellow and blue letters ' Haylee's room, beware the awesomeness in this room'. A smile spread across his face before he reached forward to open the door but stopped just before he touched the doorknob, reminding himself that she wasn't there, that Lily's daughter wasn't there, She would be 16 today. He opened the door and stepped inside looking around the vacant room. The walls were a light silver and decorated with pictures of her friends, but one caught his eye. One that didn't move like the rest, it showed a laughing Haylee at the age of 2, cake all over her face, next to her was man who he recognized as her adopted father.

He picked up the picture and sighed. He remembered the first time he had seen her, she had been no older then a few minutes but even then she seemed so curious about the world.

Flashback 16 years ago

A much younger Snape walked into St. Mungo and asked to see Lily Potter, the nurse directed him to a room a few hallways over. When he walked into the room a man with glasses and untidy hair looked over but said nothing as Snape walked closer. In Lily's arms were her two children, a boy who resembled his father( except for his eyes, those were his mothers) asleep and a little girl with small red curls and bright green eyes like her mother, unlike her brother the little girl was wide awake and looking around at the world she had just came into but when she saw Snape her eyes widened.

Lily chuckled" Severus, come meet your Goddaughter" Snape walked forward and Lily handed her over to him." She looks like her mother" He mumbled and she nodded.

" what is her name, if I may ask"

" her name is Haylee Lily Potter, but there is something you'll need to know, Severus" He looked at her." Haylee has a destiny, that will separate her from her brother in many ways. Should He-who-must-not-be-named ever come for her, Haylee's memories of me or James will be erased." he started to protest but she stopped him" When the time comes Haylee will remember but only when it's time"

" time for what"

" time for her to except who she is" Haylee started crying and he gave her back to Lily." Haylee is an heir of Hogwarts, the heir to the 5th house Severus, but right now she is much to young to be pulled into all of that." Haylee started to fall asleep." Albus has already located the other four, there are two in America, one in France and one in Ireland." Sadness crossed Lily's face" all 4 have been hurt by You-know-who, The one in Ireland lost her parents, the two in America are now orphans and the one in France is his own daughter" Snape's eyes widened.

" I know he will hurt Haylee next because of the prophecy on her brother, but Haylee is special and he will take her away. You must promise me something Severus, when the time comes, look after Haylee as if she were your own, Tell of the good things James and I did, but don't compare her to me, I want her to be her own person, I want her heart filled with hope, love and I want her to know that she can write her own future and rewrite others"

" I promise Lily, but why me"

" because your my best friend Severus and I know you will always be there for her, like you were for me"

Flashback end

Ok, I know I said I was going to start this one after the 4th but that seemed to long for you guys to wait when I can do the first chapter by memory and creativity, so bear with me..

Haylee Potter And The Halfblood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now