Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I sat humming to myself as I stirred a potion, that would help me sleep better, I could have asked Madame Pomfery but I didn't want to bother her about it. I was almost finshed when it blew up in my face, literally. I stared at my now ruined potion and looked around for the culprit but I found no one. I sighed" great, now I have to start over" I grumbled flicking my wand. Goldie landed next to me and cooed at me. " alright, but only once" I laughed as I sent the cauldron away. I closed my eyes and felt myself growing smaller. When I had first learned how to turn into an owl, I had been in my third year and when I had first turned I had been a baby owl with silver feathers and the marking of a scar on the side of my neck but now, 3 years later, my feathers have darkened and turned a bright reddish brown, the only way you can tell it's me, is if you noticed my bright dark green eyes.

I picked up my bag in my beak before following after Goldie, we raced over the Astronomy tower and over the boat house, around Hagrid's Hut and passed the Headmaster's office. We flew through the great Hall and I landed next to the Hufflepuff table before turning back. I sighed shaking my head and looked over as she landed, a smile on my face." Such silly little owl, aren't you Goldie" I gave her a piece of apple and she flew off. I shook my head before going to find Draco, who I found with Crabbe and Goyle." let's get this over with" I told him and he nodded but I noticed a look of fear on his face. I looked at the two idiots he called friends and glared" go find something to do, I need a word with him" they left and I frowned at him.

" Draco, you do have a choice remember that, your not your father"

" but he said-"

" I don't care what he said, your my best friend, I won't let him hurt you"

" Haylee how can you be so positive after what happened this summer"

" because I may be a Gryffindor but I'm also Slytherin, I never give up. Now, any ideas on how we are going to do this" he shrugged and I sighed before taking out a book and hitting him in the arm with it." ow" he mumbled and I glared " then why am I here" I asked and he smirked." I found it" my eyes widened.

" where"

" the room of requirement, I'll show you next Saturday" I nodded and he walked off while I went to find Snape. I knocked on his office door and he entered when he told me to. He looked up and smiled" hello Haylee, did you need something"

" no but Draco found it"

He sighed before laying his quill down on the desk." Where"

" the room of requirement" he nodded and I went over to him." Severus, I don't want to do this"

" I know Haylee and if I could get you get you away from this, I would. Your mother didn't want this for you but now it seems we have no choice"

" Severus, I don't want to lose you, other then Harry your my only family left"

" then know when the time comes, I will be with you"

" Always?" I asked and he smiled" Always" I hugged him and he froze not expecting it. I left and went to the common room, where I found Harry, Ron and Hermione but ignored the looks they gave me before going upstairs for bed. A few days later, Harry came up to me" Haylee are you going to try out for Quidditch this year"

" no, I don't Quidditch is for me Harry"

" your amazing, the team could use your help"

" Harry, Quidditch is your thing not mine"

" Alright, but if you change your mind we are having try outs this evening" I nodded and he walked off." if only you knew Harry, you would understand" I mumbled once he was out of ear shot. I was walking down to lake when I got that feeling. With a sigh, I sat down right where was just as I was pulled into a vision.

I saw a giant spider upside down on the ground, Hagrid stood next to him in tears with Professor Slughorn and Harry next to him, though Harry looked a bit drunk.

I came out of it and looked over at Hagrid's hut sadly. I went over to the hut and knocked on the door." who is it" a voice called out.

" it's Haylee, I need to talk to you Hagrid" the door opened and I noticed he had fresh tears in his eyes." I'm not really in the mood to talk to yeh"

" I know Hagrid and that's why I'm here, is it alright if I went with you to see him"

" why would yeh want that, plus it is to dangerous for anyone to go near there, even me"

" I understand, but there is something I need ask him"

"yur brother put yeh up to this didn't he"

" no, I just want to help" Hagrid thought about before sighing" I'm not really supposed to let you go in there but as long as you don't tell the Headmaster or yur Godfather, I'll show you the way" I smiled and hugged Hagrid." I would feel this way too, if I lost Goldie"

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