chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The next day, I was sitting by the lake when Harry ran over to me." why didn't you tell me Haylee" he asked and I frowned" tell you what"

" about Horcruxes" he exclaimed and my eyes widened as I shushed him looking around." Harry its very dangerous magic and I only know so much about"

" but you knew"

" yes I knew but Harry, what he did all those people... its unforgivable" I told him shaking my head." but what if he planned to use you to make one, what if that is what he wants to find out"

" Harry, I don't want to talk about this" I told him before getting up and turning to walk away but he grabbed my hand" please Haylee, talk to me, we don't talk anymore"

" another time Harry" I told him before pulling my hand free just as he asked" you know the prophecy, don't you Haylee" I looked down and sighed" of course I know it Harry, it's all I think about when I'm in spinner's end but part of the prophecy speaks of one of us dyeing and if it isn't Voldemort...I hope it's me" He frowned" Haylee what do you mean"

" Even now, I don't believe what the Sorting hat told me, I'm not brave as you, and if one of us gets to live, I hope it's you" then I walked away. I was walking toward the great Hall, when I saw Katie who saw me, her face paled. Harry appeared and started talking to her. I turned and walked away before he could see me but sadly he saw Draco, who was also retreating from the great hall. We split up and I told him to beat me in mrytle's bathroom but when I got there Harry stood over him as he laid on the ground in a puddle of blood. I let out a scream horror and Harry spun around staring at me wide eyed. Severus must of heard because he appeared next to me, I ran over to Draco with tears in my eyes" Draco, please" he stared at me and I took his hand. Severus came over to us and waved his wand over the wound, repeating the counter curse three times before helping him to his feet. I looked at Harry and was about to grab my wand when Severus called" Haylee, help him to the hospital wing please, while I deal your idiot of a brother' I nodded and helped Draco out of the bathroom.

Later the day I sat in front of the fire place staring angrily at the flames but I looked when Harry appeared from the portrait hole. I glared at him" Haylee...I-" but I cut him off.

" go away harry, I don't want to hear it or talk to you, ever" then I left the common room. On Saturday, I sat angrily throwing rocks at the black lake, when Draco ran up to me." Haylee, I did it" I looked at him in shock.

" it's.." he nodded and I smiled getting up, and following to the room of requirement, only to be stopped by a random student." Haylee, Headmaster Dumbledore wants to see you in the entrance hall" I nodded and looked at Draco. The kid ran off." tell them I'm with Dumbledore" he nodded and walked into the room while I went to find Dumbledore. I paced waiting and looked over as he appeared, a moment later Harry appeared but I didn't meet his eye." Haylee, you know what tonight is"

I nodded tears filling my eyes" yes Headmaster, but please there has to be another way" I begged but he smiled" your a smart girl, just like your mother was, never forget that Haylee, now come" Harry and I followed him out the door and Harry looked at me." Haylee, I-"

" I don't want to talk about it Harry" I snapped walking next to Dumbledore. We walked to Hogsmeade and passed the hogshead before Dumbledore turned to us." now you know the location Haylee, I expect" he asked and I nodded. I grabbed Harry's arm and he frowned before I spun and apparated, I moment later, we landed a rock in the middle of the sea, a cave sat a few feet away from us and Dumbledore looked at me before nodding. We walked along the rocks and toward the cave, before I pulled my wand out of my pocket and cried " Lumos " A bright light filled the area and we continued over to a wall of the cave. Dumbledore cut his hand I winced before watching the wall disappeared and we stepped inside.

" and now one of the reasons I came along" I mumbled and looking at Dumbledore who nodded. We stepped toward the lake and I sighed. We pulled a boat out of the lake and road it to the middle, where an alter stood." remember Haylee" he told me and I nodded as he picked up a goblet he had conjured out of then air before filling of the potion inside the alter and taking a drink. Dumbledore crumbled and my eyes widened. I took the goblet from him and looked at Harry before filling it back up." We have to make him drink Harry" I told him and he nodded as I gave the potion to him before handing it to harry who filled it back up. Over and over again we did this before finally the potion was gone. Dumbledore looked at us but only said one word" water" I nodded and pointed my wand at the goblet but nothing happened before I had an idea.

I ran over to the lake and leaned forward to get some of the water but something grabbed me and I screamed. " Petrificus Tortalus" Harry cried and the thing flew away from me, only to be replaced by another. I closed my eyes before standing up and yelling" stop" all the creatures froze and stared at me. I sighed falling over but the creatures started toward Harry and Dumbledore ignoring me completely. Harry tried to fight back but nothing worked they jus kept coming before Dumbledore stood up and raised his wand, fire irrupted from the end of it and the creatures ran away.

They looked at me and I laughed" well... that went well"

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