Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As we got closer, I noticed the giant webs and my eyes widened. Hagrid stopped and I looked at him" are you sure yeh want to do this" I nodded and we started walking again. A moment later giant spiders started to come from tree tops and follow us. I frowned and Hagrid chuckled" their just being friendly"

" how can you tell" I asked and he smiled" I've been coming here fer years Haylee, their like family to me"

We came to a clearing and Hagrid set down a barrel of giant worms, making my eyes widened." their for Aragog" he told me and I nodded. Then a loud wheezy voice filled the air making me jump" Hagrid, my old friend, it is nice to see you" then a very very big spider crawled out of a hole in the ground." and who have is this, my friend" he asked and I gulped looking at Hagrid who nodded" My...My name is Haylee Potter"

" yes, I have met your brother and his friend, they came here asking about the chamber of secrets years ago and I told them what I knew, sadly my children were hungry and I could not deny them food"

" The centaurs in this forest told me of what Hanna did and I wanted to ask, what secret was she keeping by erasing her memory"

" I have heard of you Haylee and I ask my own question in return for me answering you" His eyes turned to Hagrid" my old friend, we wish no harm for her, thank you for helping me all those years ago" Hagrid nodded before turning and leaving me with the spiders." Haylee Potter, my question for you is how much longer will it be for me"

" I don't want to make your children upset with me by answering that question but if that is what you ask I will answer it as best I can. I had a vision before coming here and it looked like you have until the end of the school year"

" Thank you Haylee, though I did not meet her, I have heard stories of what she did for the forest, even I do not know of what she hid" I sighed

" I just wish I knew, that would make this easier to figure out" I mumbled and Aragog chuckled" look to the clues Haylee and you will understand" Then he crawled back down into the ground I went back to the castle and Hagrid was waiting by his hut." Thanks for the help Haylee"

I went up to the castle for dinner, I sat at the end of the table and Leah, Vincent, Corith and Fefe came over to sit next to me." please tell me you found something" I begged and they shook their heads causing to groan and lay my head on the table." we're doomed" I mumbled and Vincent sighed" and I thought you were supposed to be the hopeful one Haylee"

" I've looked everywhere and I haven't found anything" Leah sighed and Corith immediately smiled, signaling she had an idea" why not just ask Hanna ourselves" We looked at each other and I smiled" ok a whole summer in gloom has fried our brains, good idea Corith" Her hair turned a bright yellow and her eyes matched the color of the sun. We ate our dinner in silence and when everyone went to bed, I went to the room of requirement. The door appeared and I stepped inside and Hanna's picture smiled at me" Haylee, I was wondering when you were coming back"

I sat on the sofa in front of her and sighed" Hanna, why did you erase your memory from Hogwarts, why would someone poison you and what were you hiding from the others"

" I was wondering when you would ask and the answer to your questions lies inside of you Haylee"

" I don't understand"

" Your memories Haylee, remember me" I frowned before closing my eyes, then it happened. I was sucked into the past. I looked around in confusion before noticing a young a women with bright red hair standing next to a man with black hair and green eyes that reminded me of the young Tom Riddle. So this was Salazar Slytherin, my gaze went to the young girl who must have been Hanna.

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