Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walked down stairs just as Dumbledore entered through the front door, Snape had opened the door." Hello Severus" he spotted me at the top of the stairs and I nodded in greeting." Is it alright if I barrowed Haylee, this evening"

" Of course, Headmaster but I believe that is Haylee's choice"

" let me just go get my coat" I told him before going back upstairs. A few minutes later, Dumbledore and I were walking toward the park near Spinner's end." If you don't mind me asking Headmaster but where we going" I asked.

" Your brother recently helped me change the mind of an old friend by the name of Horace Slughorn, but I hope to give him an interest at Hogwarts, someone who will remind him of his old days at Hogwarts"

" What exactly am I supposed to do, Headmaster" I asked and he smiled but didn't answer instead he stopped in the middle of the park and held out his arm." take my arm" he told me and I did as I was told. The world spun and when it stopped we were standing outside of a house. I followed him inside the house and into the sitting room, to see a rather round and bald man sitting by the fire place. He looked over at us and his eyes widened when he saw me, tears filled his eyes and he stood." L...Lily" he gasped and I looked at Dumbledore before looking back at him." you knew my mother" I asked and he sighed before looking at the fire.

" Of course I did, there she is in the front" he told me pointing at a bunch of photos" Lily Evans was a prodigy, especially in potions, though there was only one who surpassed her."

" let me guess, Severus Snape" he nodded and I noticed a small crack in one of the frames. I pulled out my wand and flicked it, the crack instantly sealing itself." Wandless magic.. but that's advanced magic and aren't you underage" he asked confused.

" I was pronounced dead until a few years ago, so I don't have the trace on me and Wandless magic has always come easy to me" I told him and flicked my wand again, making a tea pot and three cups appear." I should expect nothing, you are Lily and James's daughter" he chuckled as the tea poured itself. As I sipped my tea, a vision played through my head, I saw Slughorn fighting Voldemort and winning. I sat my tea cup down and noticed him watching me with curiosity." I heard somewhere you were a quite a duelist" Dumbledore had left to do something but said he would be back soon.

" yes" he nodded with a chuckle" but sadly that was a long time ago, when I was much younger then I am now". I saw another vision but it flashed between three different people." you were also head of Slytherin, I hear" his hand shook as he held the tea cup.

" did Dumbledore mention that to you?"

" no... Just a guess" I mumbled sipping my tea, he gulped before asking" you are well informed then, aren't you, Miss Potter?"

" you had a fish named Francis that my mother gave to you, but it disappeared when-" I was cut off as he dropped the tea cup and stood up, pointing his wand at me." how do you know all of this? who told you? Dumbledore? Is your name really even Haylee Potter?" I smiled like nothing happened.

" My name Is Haylee Potter, I've mastered Occlumency and I'm Seer, I learned all of this by seeing your future and looking though your memories, so pretty much you told me" he just stared at me like I had three heads, while I calmly sipped my tea. Dumbledore came back and I stood up flicking my wand, the tea cups and tea pot disappeared, making Slughorn jump. We left and on the way out the door, Dumbledore asked me" Tell me Haylee, what has Voldemort asked you to do" I stopped and looked at the ground." I think you already know that, Headmaster Dumbledore" I whispered noticing that his hand was starting to turn black, like it was dyeing.

" Then tell me Haylee, why have you not struck while you have the upper hand" he asked

Tears filled my eyes as I answered him" because, I've already seen it happen but not just your death, Fred's, Harry's, Cedric's, Severus's, but if any of them can be prevented or could have been, I would stop it"

" you have a kind heart Haylee but death, it may be prevented but it can't be stopped. Sooner or later, we all pass from this world but some are lucky enough to leave behind something. Just as your mother left behind her love, she also left behind her memory, she may be gone but she will never truly leave our hearts" I looked at him and nodded.

" I understand" I mumbled and we appareated back to Spinner's end.

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