Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I pushed my luggage cart through the barrier with Severus behind me. We stopped in front of the train and I spotted Draco with his mother, a few feet away." do you remember what you have to do Haylee" Severus asked me and I nodded." Good, but remember Haylee, when this all over you will have a choice to make"

" but I-"

" no matter what happens, know that I have always been proud of you" then he did something I thought he would never do, Severus let a tear fall. I hugged him and he hugged me back." So, much like your mother" he mumbled and I smiled.

"I may be like my mother but I have my father's talent hexing" I smirked and he rolled his eyes" don't remind me, I still have a spot of pink hair from when you got your wand" at this I chuckled. The train whistled and Severus sighed" you better get on board before it leaves with out you, I'll see you at the feast....Good luck, Miss Potter"

" to you as well, Professor Snape" I told him before climbing on board with my luggage. I pinned my prefect badge onto my bag before I started patrolling after a while, a kid ran up to me and I crossed my arms." no running in the corridor, if I catch it again you will lose points before you even have any" I snapped and the kid nodded before handing me a scroll tied in a ribbon.


I would be delighted if you would join me for a bite of lunch in Compartment C.

It was from Slughorn, shrugging my shoulders, I headed toward the compartment, when I got there. I found the compartment filled with students from random houses, including Neville, Harry, Ginny and a few others." Ah, Haylee, welcome" Slughorn greeted and everyone looked over. Harry looked at me and knew he was curious to know where I was all summer but I still couldn't tell him. I sat next to Ginny who moved over to make room for me." Thank you for inviting me, Professor" I told him and he seemed nervous about something." hello, Harry, Ginny, Neville" I greeted and they nodded.

Slughorn introduced us to each other before we had lunch." Haylee, was that Professor Snape I saw with on the platform" I looked at him and nodded." Professor Snape is my Godfather, he has been taking care of me since my second year, my adoptive parents were murdered right before Christmas"

" Merlin's beard, did they ever find the killer"

" no, but I have my suspicions" I mumbled thinking of Voldemort's warning that year." they were very kind people, I hope. Were they Muggles or Wizards?"

" both muggles but when they found out about who I was, they didn't mind" That's probably what got them killed, they knew too much." My Adoptive father was a lawyer"

" A Lawyer?"

"they represent people and try to prove if their guilty or not" I explained and he nodded. Harry was still staring at me but I avoided his gaze. " I've heard rumors that you can turn into an owl at will" A Slytherin named Blaise Zabini. I noticed Ginny glare at him and I chuckled slightly causing him to frown." What's so funny?"

" those aren't the only rumors I bet" I told him and he gulped" I'm also very talented at Reducto, the Patronus charm and many other spells" I noticed Ginny smirk before saying." she also is very good at charming dangerous animals for example, Dragons-"

" werewolves-" Harry continued

" snakes" Neville mumbled joining in

" but yet ordinary animals, hate me" I finished and Zabini said nothing, in fact the whole compartment had gone quite, that's when I realized what was happening and before I could stop it, I was pulled into a vision.

I  was once again flying, jets of green all around me and then I felt it as a green light hit me in the face and I fell from my broom but before I died, I saw a motorcycle fly passed Harry on board with Hagrid driving.

I was pulled back to the present as someone touched my shoulder and I gasped for air before I started coughing." Miss Potter, are you alright" I shook my head trying clear the lights at the edge of my vision before answering." I'm fine Professor, just tired" I told him and he nodded. Harry took my hand and I looked at him, to see his face full of worry." I'm fine Harry, it's not going to happen this year" I mumbled and he frowned but left me alone, everyone went back to their compartments but I noticed harry follow Zabini. I rolled my eyes, he was probably getting himself in trouble again

Draco's POV( it's about time we hear his part)

I sat next to Pansy as she messed with my hair, I wished it was Haylee but I knew she would never feel the same way I do about her. Blaise came back and I smirked" So Zabini, what did Slughorn want"

" just trying to make up to well-connected people, Not that he managed to many" I wondered if Haylee was there, if only Slughorn knew who she really was, An heir of Hogwarts and very talented as well.

" Who else had he invite?" I demanded, wanting to know if Haylee was there.

" Mclaggen from Gryffindor"

" His uncle is big in the ministry" I pointed out

" Belby from Ravenclaw, Potter, Longbottom and that Weasley girl but that teacher pet, Haylee was there too" He sneered and it took everything I had not to hit him, Haylee maybe a teachers pet but she couldn't help it, her memory was one of the things that make her special, but I did sit up in shock." He invited Longbottom"

" well I expect so, he was there"

" Potter, precious Potter, but that Weasley girl what's so special about her"

" Don't know, but it's obvious why he invited that Potter girl, she has quite a talent with wrapping teachers around her little finger, the girl spaced out for a couple seconds and Slughorn immediately rushed to see if she was alright, she told him she was tired but I think it was something else, I mean everyone knows her brother's connection to Salazar Slytherin what if she has the same"

" she is always talking to Snape as well" Pansy pointed out and I rolled my eyes." Apparently Snape is her Godfather but it's obvious that she's hiding something, the little know it all" I finally snapped.

" She's an hier to Hogwarts to twit" I yelled and they all looked at me like I had just said that killed someone" What" they all said and I knew Haylee was going to kill me.

Haylee's POV

 We went back to our own compartments and when the train stopped, I was about to follow the others to the carriage when Draco grabbed my hand. I looked at him in confusion and he pulled me over to a quite area near the train. After he explained what happened, I wanted to kill Draco Malfoy.

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