Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

On Monday night, I went with Harry to see Dumbledore, who smiled upon seeing me." Miss Potter, I bet you are wondering why I asked you to join us this evening"

" not really, though from what Harry tells me it has something to do with the man who used to be Tom Riddle"

" yes and this I believe will give you a look upon a 'what if' point of view". He explained and I nodded, but I was still confused.

We stepped toward the pensive on the desk. Harry bent over the pensive and I followed behind him.

As we dropped into the memory, I looked around at the familiar street with a frown.

" This was my street" I mumbled and Dumbledore nodded" you see Haylee, the night Sirius Black took you to the Walters, he had a difficult discussion to make"

" so, your saying I could have grew up.." I trailed off and he nodded.

" in an orphanage"  he told me as we followed the younger version of him. Harry looked at me sadly but I didn't say a word. We came to an orphanage and I sighed watching as the younger Dumbledore followed a lady toward a room. Inside was a small boy with black hair and dark green eyes, who I immediately knew as Tom Riddle." Tom, you have a visitor. This is Mr. Dumbledore" Mrs. Cole, the matron of the orphanage, told the little boy. She left and Tom looked at the younger Dumbledore." how do you do Tom" they shook hands before he introduced himself.

"  I am professor Dumbledore"

Tom accused him of being a doctor but Dumbledore just smiled. He explained about Hogwarts and I noticed he had almost the same reaction I had when I found out about being a wizard, he was happy though it did not reach his eye. He asked questions and Dumbledore answered. I looked at the present day Dumbledore confused." even you Haylee can understand why I told him anything he wanted to know" I looked back at the little boy before we left the pensive and for a second a saw something cross his face.

I landed next to Harry and frowned" So he was always a cruel little boy, but now after all these later, he is much worse" I sighed shaking my head as soon as Harry was gone.

" I'm afraid so"

" Headmaster, his reaction, it was almost similar to mine when I got my letter, if I had grown up there, would I have turned into that"

" we can only guess Haylee about what could have been, but remember it is not how you are alike but how you are different"

" I understand Headmaster and I have a request involving the coming break, I found a clue to what he could want from me and it involves the house I grew up in and a memory of Hanna's"

" you wish to visit your childhood home Haylee, I see nothing wrong with that request, after all it will be your home when you turn 17 and you are allowed to return when ever you like, as long as you have someone with you"

" I understand Headmaster, perhaps I could ask Professor Snape or someone" he nodded and I left with a smile on my face. The next morning I sat looking through more letters and groaned pulling out my wand and muttering" Icindio, bloody letters, what is with people, can't they see it's not my fault I had to keep it a secret" I mumbled and Corith patted my back, before helping me burn the letters." It's not your fault Haylee Leah told me and I frowned" easy for you say, no one knows, who you really are Leah"

" true but being the heir of Slytherin isn't that big of deal anymore but if people found out who my father was..." she trailed off looking down but we all looked over as Slughorn appeared.

"Miss Potter, I do hope you will join us for -"

" of course Professor, I'd love to" I cut him off and he chuckled" of course you have already seen me asking, well I hope you have someone to invite, Miss potter"

" yes, Professor" he smiled and walked off, before I let out a sigh." Haylee, have you read any more of Hanna's diary"

" actually, I only have a few more pages. turns out her daughter Vincue had magic, more then even the founders had"

" wow" they all said and I pulled the book out of my bag before opening it to a certain page." listen to this" I told them.

I decided to take Vincue to a place where she could get her mind off of things, but even that has not made her happy, I had grown up in Cokeworth and I thought that by showing her this place it would make her happy but it seems I have failed in doing even this.

" I don't understand" Vincent said and I smiled" my mother grew up in Cokeworth, it's where she was born"

" wow, I guess that place held meaning to your ancestors"

" my mom to I guess" I mumbled and was about to turn the page when I got pulled into a vision.

"Your a freak Lily, a freak" someone screeched and I looked over just as a dark haired girl ran down the hill.

I came out of it as Vincent shook my shoulder, making me jump.

" what did you see Haylee"

" my mom, When she was a kid" was all I said before we went up to the castle.

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