Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The next morning, McGonagall came over to me to give me my schedule. She looked at her notes and smiled." sometimes I wonder if you are clone of your mother Haylee, with these marks you would make a fine Auror, perhaps even something greater"

" I know Professor but I don't think I'm right for anything like that, I just want my ancestors legacy to be remembered, nothing more" she looked back at her notes.

" well, you could choose anything Haylee, now lets see.  Divination, ancient runes, potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of magic and...Transfiguration" she handed me the schedule and I smiled seeing DADA was my first class. I  had just tucked the schedule away when about a dozen owls landed in front of me, knocking over my pumpkin juice and spilling it down the front of my robes. The whole hall seem to freeze to see what was happening, even the owls stared at me. Reaching into my bag I pulled out my wand and mumbled a quick spell, that made my clothes dry. Reaching over I grabbed the letters and the daily prophet before I got up and quickly retreated from the Great hall. As I walked I looked through the letters, my worry growing with each letter that asked.

Are you the heir of the fifth house, Miss Potter

What is your gain from lying to everyone about who you really are

How could a filthy half-blood like you be the heir when everyone knows that the founder was a pureblood

you really are an attention hog, you and your brother

I  sighed not even bothering to look at the prophet as I stuffed it in my bag before going into DADA. I sat at the front just as Snape arrived. He sent me a look before he began the lesson explaining three pictures on the wall before he told us about Non-verbal magic, which I had used before to get myself out of trouble over the years." Miss Potter, would you mind showing us how to properly use this type of magic" Everyone looked at him in shock as if he were crazy but I got up and stood at the front, my face emotionless, leaving my bag behind along with my wand.

Snape stood a few feet away from me before pulling out his own wand. Everyone was silent, though I noticed Harry was glaring at Snape." Concentrate, Miss potter" he told me and I nodded.

" Reducto" He mumbled and inside my head I repeated over and over again.

Protego, Protego, Protego

Just before it hit, I closed my eyes and the spell hit an invisible wall before disappearing." Very good Miss Potter, 20 points to Gryffindor" I returned to my seat and I heard Draco mumble next to me." show off"

I glared at him and his chair moved one seat over causing him to fall in the floor." Mr. Malfoy, get out of the floor before I deduct points" Snape snapped and I looked through my schedule like nothing had happened while Draco sat back in his seat. While everyone else practiced Non-verbal magic, I sat looking through a transfiguration book. When class was over, I went down to the dungeons for potions. Slughorn let us in and We all crowded around three potions. I know noticed one that looked like boiling water." can anyone tell me what this one is"

I raised my hand faster then even Hermione did and we looked at each other then Slughorn. He looked between us before pointing at Hermione" it is Veritserum, a colorless, odorless potion that forces you to tell the truth"

The next one I let her get which she told us was Polyjuice potion but the last one I got to first." yes, Miss potter" he chuckled as I smiled smugly at Hermione before answering." Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world"

" and why is this so"

" because it uses scents that draw is in, though we all smell deferent things. For example, I smell my mother's home made cookies, new books, my father's aftershave and..." a smile appeared on my face before snapped myself out of it, lying on the last one" gingerbread" the blush turned my face as red as my hair causing everyone to laugh. I tuned out the rest od what he was saying until he sent us to work on a potion I knew well, Draught of living death. I didn't care if I got the prize, I didn't need luck or want it. Without looking at the book I began to throw in the ingredients, I had just finished and looked up to see that Hermione's hair had grown three sizes. Slughorn came over and inspected my potion with a smile." Sir, I think someone else should get the potion, I don't need it" He nodded understanding, before walking away. A few minutes later he called time and everyone looked over. He passed me and everyone stared at me in shock, knowing I could do this potion as perfectly Snape but I smiled as he told us that Harry had won. When the first Saturday came,  I was walking toward the entrance hall, when Harry ran up to me." Haylee, I need to talk to you"

" Harry I know what your going to ask and of course I knew, I had to look up our ancestors for crying out loud"

" still why didn't you tell me"

" thought you would have put the puzzle together Harry like I have been doing for the past 6 years" I sighed and started walking toward the trophy room with him following behind." Hanna had a daughter, a squib."

" What does that have to with -"

" let me finish Harry" I told him and he frowned" When Hanna died, that daughter disappeared but I learned she took on a new name, a name no one would attach to her mother, she took on the Evans, our mother's last name"

" I understand that part but how does that attach us to the riddle family" I rolled my eyes at his question before walking over to one case  and looking in the mirror." Hanna's daughter, the first heir, she was also the daughter of Slytherin" Harry stared at me silent shock and I looked at him." the daughter went on and married a muggle but kept her name, on and on the generations went, each carrying the secret but none were the true heir and soon enough the secret was lost, until Mum found the story and learned the legend, she put the pieces together and passed it to me."

" But why not tell the world, why not bring it back herself"

" She fell in love, had us, think about Harry, in the middle of a war what would be a main target before he knew about you"

" someone who could match him in everyway"

" no Harry, there is one thing that is stronger then fear and the fifth heir stands for that, Ravenclaw is wisdom, Gryffindor is courage, Hufflepuff is Loyalty and Slytherin is Ambition but Fidas, is Hope" I left Harry standing there in silence and went to find Draco, knowing here I would find him.

Haylee Potter And The Halfblood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now