Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I followed Draco down the streets of Diagon Alley, his mother following after us. I heard laughing and looked over to see Fred and George's new shop was open. Draco caught me looking and elbowed me" I'll distract her, go see him" I had told Draco about me and Fred, and he seemed alright with it, even though he had started yelling at me, but we made up and agreed to stay friends. Draco told his mother that he needed new robes and quickly pulled her away to the robe shop, leaving me standing there. I smiled, friends until the end, even if the world was falling apart and we were on separate sides. I quickly walked toward the shop and stepped inside, to be greeted with a giant crowd of people. Music played from somewhere and I sighed but my smile quickly turned to a frown when I spotted a pair of green eyes that resembled my own.

He started to push his way through the crowd but I had already retreated to another part of the store before he could reach me. I started looking at a cage full of small fury creatures when I heard someone whisper in my ear." there almost as cute as you" my eyes widened and I spun around launching myself at the red headed twin. He laughed and hugged me back." I've missed you so much Fred" I told him and he sighed." you too Haylee, but why haven't you sent me any letters"

I looked at him" I cant tell you, but know everything is alright" he smiled and I heard someone call my name." Haylee, we have to go" I looked over to see Draco by the window. I kissed Fred one more time before pulling away" I have to go, but I'll send you letters" he nodded and I backed away, only to run into my twin brother Harry, who I didn't really want to talk with right now." Haylee, I'm so glad your all right, Dumbledore said that-" I cut him off by running out of the store. Draco pulled me down Knockturn alley and we stopped seeing Bellatrix in front of Borgin and Burks with Fenir Greyback, a werewolf who had sided with Voldemort. We followed them inside and over to a cabinet. They explained what we had to do and even taught us the spell to use to fix the one in the Room of Requirement, after that we went back to Malfoy Manor. I was about to go upstairs when I got stopped by Voldemort's stupid snake, Nagini. It hissed at me and I understood her.

He wantsss to sssee you

Then she slithered off toward the sitting room and I sighed before following her. I knocked on the door and I heard him call out." Come in Haylee" I stepped into the sitting room and he looked over at me. " Narcissa tells me you snuck off to see those blood traitors, the Weasleys."

" I just wanted to see them, I didn't want them worrying about me and becoming suspicious"

" Come sit, Haylee" I felt my stomach drop but walked over and sat down." Tell me Haylee, my plan will it work" he asked.

" yes" I mumbled holding the tears back." your plan will leave Hogwarts vulnerable" I mumbled and a cruel smile spread across his face. The door creaked open and I looked over to see Severus, my eyes widened." If you betray me Haylee, The Weasleys will be the first to go but for now you may leave with Severus" he told me before appareating from the manor. When we got back to spinners end, I ran upstairs and locked the door. A few hours later, Severus knocked on the door." Haylee, are you alright"

I didn't answer as I laid staring at the wall, the door opened and he came in." Haylee, I-"

" I want to be alone" I mumbled and I heard him sigh before he turned and left. I sat up as I heard a clicking noise on the window, it was Goldie. I opened the window and she flew in before landing on my desk, I was about to close it when a speckled brown and black owl flew in before landing next to her. I took the letter from the black and brown one, and opened it, it was from Fred.

                             Dear Haylee

If Your reading this, you finally got my letter. George said that I shouldn't bother you about why you haven't responded to any of the others and that your probably fine, but I'm worried, please tell me why you haven't responded. I've even gone as far as asking your Godfather, but even he hasn't responded. If this is something to keep Voldemort from getting what he wants, then please tell me, I'm dying here. I love you with all my heart Haylee, Heir of Fidas and Seer with a Photographic memory or not. If your trying to prevent that vision of me from coming true, please stop because your breaking my heart, I'd die if it meant protecting you from Voldemort and ending this war.

I sighed before taking out a quill and responding.

                        Dear Fred

                 I know you want to protect me but I cant lose you, I've seen you die once, I will not see that again. It's not because I'm trying to protect you that I haven't responded, it's because I have no choice, do not blame Severus for this reason but one day, I will explain but for now know that I can not tell you. This war will end one day but for now, please don't anything to put yourself in danger, even if it means protecting me.


Haylee Lily Potter

I sent the letter with Fred's owl before turning to Goldie, who dropped a bunch of letters in front of me wrapped in string. She pecked my hand and I understood what she was trying to tell me.

Never leave me behind again or send me to your brother.

I gave an owl treat and sighed" I missed you too Goldie, I hope Harry treated you right" she cooed in response before flying over and landing in her cage to sleep after her long journey from the burrow. The letters were all from Harry, Hermione and there was even one from Dumbledore but mostly from Harry. After reading the letters from Harry and Hermione, I really wished I could tell someone but I couldn' least not until I got to Hogwarts. I had just finished reading Dumbledore's letter when I heard a knock on the door downstairs.

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