Entrance exams (3)

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Because of the lack of team work and constant bickering the spawn beast was defeated by another group the girl who finished it off was the same girl who had helped liyla in the test of strength.

Because of the lack of team work and constant bickering the spawn beast was defeated by another group the girl who finished it off was the same girl who had helped liyla in the test of strength

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At least your group was able to get rid of the lower level beast that should count for something right?

After the test of team work and strategy the lot of you were given a small break to freshen up and regather your strength as the next and final round would be individual one on one mock battles.

Liyla had found somewhere she could be alone to wallow in her own self pity it was safe to say life had hit her with a Ton of bricks she realized she wasn't as strong as she first thought not even close and it hurt her to know that you lied to her all this time.

You had went to look for her

>start here

After the time went by the lot of you were now in the special view points in the stands so you wouldn't get mix up with the audience.

As you waited for the small woman who usual came out to speak there was a sudden rush of heat and before you knew it the inner part of the stadium was lit ablaze

You were all so confused but you noticed the fire wasn't hurting you it was strange

"It's so hot but it doesn't burn is this some kind of joke"liyla said with her hands crossed in front of her face

"No ....I recognize these flames"a male voice spoke "it's the princess"

And just like that a female figure came came from the flames now standing in the middle with a man standing next to her the flames slowly died down

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And just like that a female figure came came from the flames now standing in the middle with a man standing next to her the flames slowly died down

And just like that a female figure came came from the flames now standing in the middle with a man standing next to her the flames slowly died down

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It was indeed the princess she had long jet black hair and beautiful Ruby red eyes.she smiled lightly letting the people calm themselves before clearing her throat and speaking.

"Ehm sorry about that everyone you know I had to make a grand Entrance in hoped it would excuse my absence"she let out a small chuckle "but we do apologize we had a few things to take care of so I'm sad I couldn't be there to see you in the beginning but I'm here now and I can't wait to see how strong my future comrades are anyways on behalf of myself and the rest of the imperial dragons we wish you could luck" she said now slowing a kiss creating a large heart that bursted into flames disappearing

The small woman appeared the podium once again "I hope you all used that break wisely and got yourself some rest and other things....we are now here for the final test ...all of you will be participating in individual one on one mock battles you were paired at random no matter what gender wether you win or lose isn't the determining factor of you acceptance but watching these battles is very important for us as it can tell us a lot about you in whether you'd be a good fit for the academy so on behalf of myself and our king and queen I wish you good luck.....so now let the battles begin......our first match is...."

And from there many battles between future students were had liyla was nervous but for yourself in all honesty you were a bit exited but you did your best to hide it to be supportive of the princess.

After many match ups you finally heard your name called but you also couldn't believe who you were paired up with maybe it was fate

As you stood in the open space looking up at all the people watching looking up at liyla. You sighed and prepared yourself

Your opponent was satski Tanaka  the same girl who had been making fun of you and liyla

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Your opponent was satski Tanaka the same girl who had been making fun of you and liyla. As she stepped out she smirked "I'm your opponent, not them"

Start how you want

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