Entrance exams 4:Akane vs liyla

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After your match you went to the medical wing of the stadium and rested there for a while but you listened out for liylas fake name because you knew you would want to be there to watch her match. And as soon as they called her  name you got up quickly even when the nurses urged you not to and rushed out there to see.

"The next mock battle will soon begin with number ____ akane satsuku vs number ____ iris magnolia"the short female spoke pausing soon after hearing her self say the name .....iris magnolia

The pink haired female jumped down from the stands and into the center of the stadium with a smirk now watching liyla step out not as confident as you usually had seen her you could see that the sparkle in her eyes something you loved about her wa...

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The pink haired female jumped down from the stands and into the center of the stadium with a smirk now watching liyla step out not as confident as you usually had seen her you could see that the sparkle in her eyes something you loved about her was now gone.

"It must be fate i knew we were a match made in heaven"

Lilya said nothing as she drew her blade getting into stance taking a deep breath and putting on a brave face "i won't hold back"

This statement made akane laugh "your just as funny as you are cute"

She was clearly insulted by this biting the inside of her cheek "there was nothing funny about what i said"

"Oh it was, you said it as tho that were to mean something or as if youd even be a challenge for me"the pink haired female said with a clear tone of snark

"We will just have to see about that wont we.....now draw your weapon"

"I won't be needing them against you it's not necessary ......dont worry tho  i'll go easy on you cutie"she winked

All of this just made liyla angrier and angrier, her rage starting to boil over. "Let the 20th match begin" and with that liyla took off charging at her swinging her blade

"I wont allow you to belittle be any longer!!"she said her blade came close to akane but she never moved and her smirk never faded as soon as lilya was close enough akane grabbed her blade with one hand effortlessly.this shocked liyla as it caught her completely off guard.

"Maybe we should make this match a bit of a lesson for you"she said now pushing back on the blade  her hand remaining uncut "first off that attack was sloppy and easy to avoid second my intention is not to belittle you how ever the purpose of these battles is to gage the differences in out strength and gather the correct amount of data therefore i feel it is my duty to give as accurate of amount of data as i can"she said continuing to push on the blade moving her around the space

Liyla grit her teeth "let go!!" pulling away at her blade she jumped back and got unto stance once more and quickly charged at her once again... jumping upword going in for a downward swing she made sure to keep her eyes on the female infont of her butbefore she knew it the female was next to to her mid air and open palm hit her across the face sending her flying back while spitting up blood.

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