Updated fantasy world

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This is the new map I tried hard to find one that was similar to the other but had more places And I also created house sigil  for important houses/royal lines not all house sigils are the country flags but for some places they are

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This is the new map I tried hard to find one that was similar to the other but had more places
And I also created house sigil  for important houses/royal lines not all house sigils are the country flags but for some places they are

I will do another chapter explaining the different houses of different countries

Again the open spaced that are not mentioned are free for you to be as creative as possible with :)
In the future some spaces might close up who knows

The new map isn't complete finished but to you it is because all the other stuff on there isn't important to you but to me

Zugludvar empire:

You would think this empire had it all,beautiful men and women,educated men and women,free education for all,well known for its scientific and technological advances,and best of all dragons + a super powerful military knight force led by there beautiful princess

The land is not only known for being the land of the dragons but also being home to many other powerful creatures and or beast peoples

There are many different vibrant cities each one is governed over by a noble official who has someone (usualy a child) represent them in the capital

Because there are so many different species around the mating season things can get hectic there are many brothels and or love inns all across the country

They have the best school for future knights in the world and many people from all walks of life come there to learn and become stronger

They are long term enemies with the heart empire

They have a special knight group known as the imperial dragons made up of there strongest knights these knights take on special grade/high rank missions

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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