Academy adventures (3)

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After being able to settle into your rooms and meet your roommates the following moday classes finally started the first class of course was homeroom you had to meet outside in the field

After being able to settle into your rooms and meet your roommates the following moday classes finally started the first class of course was homeroom you had to meet outside in the field

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"Yes yes welcome new students to midnight star academy I'm your home room teacher ms.yamada or sensei yamada whatever you prefer not only am I your homeroom teacher I'm your p.e teacher. Welcome to class one-B I know some of you were looking forward to meeting sensei akiyama but unfortunately he retired after last year but no worries he'll drop in from time to time but anyways not that that's out of the way what we will be doing today is you will each come down here introduce yourself and then show off a special technique" she smiled happily "so who's gonna go first?"


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