Academy adventures (2)

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After meeting the headmaster and some important information being explained to you. You and liyla are now going to your dorms and meeting your roommates for the year.

If your female you will be sharing a room wihh to liyla and one other character
If your male you will be sharing a room with two new characters
If your character is too old you will have to use new ocs and pick either one to start with or both if you so please


You and liyla were happy to know that you'd be sharing a room together but you both were a bit anxious/excited meet this 3rd mystery person
As you opened the door you saw a female sitting there on a bed one could assume she had already claimed as hers.
"Um hi"liyla spoke clearing her throat
The female looked over at the two of you it was yuki the one who had helped liyla in the exams.

 "Um hi"liyla spoke clearing her throat The female looked over at the two of you it was yuki the one who had helped liyla in the exams

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"Hmm it seems we will be seeing alot more of each other huh"


It took you quite the whole to find the boys dorms it was so far and deep into the building you were just finally glad to be there. As you slid the door open you found two male figures.

 As you slid the door open you found two male figures

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"Aah you must be y/n. Took you long enough to get here we thought maybe you just weren't coming"the darker male laughed. "The names savtoge just call me sav"

"Ah yes I'm glad you finally made it I didn't want the sweets I made To go bad"the lighter male said with a smile as he pulled out his bag of sweets and handed it to you "my names suji"

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"Ah yes I'm glad you finally made it I didn't want the sweets I made To go bad"the lighter male said with a smile as he pulled out his bag of sweets and handed it to you "my names suji"

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