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Sol's hand flew to my mouth and it also began catching the tears from my face as I started hyperventilating. "Astra please," She begged me, pulling my away from the body, "Shh, we have to go Astra okay? We can leave right now but you have to stop making-

I glanced at her to see why she was making noise and I saw her horrified gaze that I followed to meet a frost covered white hand that had caught her wrist. It belonged to a person who sat on the floor with their back against the wall, ice covering their whole body from their fingertips to their curly hair that sat large on their head.

"What the fuck," Sol whispered, her bottom lip trembling.

My eyes ran over the person's familiar features, they were no human but they were certainly not aliens either. The tears that were now freezing my cheeks were joined by more as I realized who this was, "Phobos," I whispered making his dark blue eyes snap to me.

"Astra," He dropped Sol's arm, reaching for me instead, making me dive for it-ignoring how cold he was to touch. "A-stra," He repeated shakily, looking glad to see me.

Cracks ran all over his flesh, silver blood that was once pouring out of it was now frozen lying in a metallic pool around him. "W-we need to," I hiccuped, struggling as I put his arm around me, "Get you out of here," I looked back at Sol whose face was still frozen with shock, "Help me SOl, help me."

Phobos squeezed me and when I looked back he was shaking his head, "I c-an't," He took in a deep breath, cracks travelling from his cheek bones to his mouth, "Feel, anything- can't m-move."

I shook my head more frantically, "We'll move for you then Phobos, w-we'll," My vision became blurry with the tears in my eyes making me wipe them away frantically, "You don't have to do anything, I'll get you out of here I promise."

He continued shaking his head, cracks splitting open his neck to gush out more metallic blood that had me sharply closing my eyes and looking away as my head started to spin. Sol reached out to grab his neck to stop the bleeding with her fingers. "You will not die here," She told him.

"My sister," He told her, his voice hoarse, "Deimos is here to somewhere, save her," Tears continued to rush down my face as I remembered the state of Deimos that I had seen moments before, "She cannot die here- she can't. Not my sister."

I looked back at Phobos, trying my hardest to ignore his wounds, "Phobos we have to get you out of here, we will return for Deimos, I swear it to you we will." I lied to him. Instead of addressing me his eyes went above my head and they hardened to an even darker blue.

"Demon," He spat.

A second passed and Sol was pushing me out of the way, pinning me to the cold floor as the sound of metal cutting through the air reached my ears and then a sickening crack. I looked up to see Henry with a large cleaver that was now stuck in the center of Phobos's forehead, the sight making bile rise up my throat. "Brother!" I cried, reaching for his body until Henry managed to pull the knife from his body and swing it in my direction.

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