Chapter One - first day of school

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"Class, I would like to introduce your new classmate, Anidori Cellier," Mrs. Bustier says as she gently pats my back. "Anidori and her Father just moved here, all the way from the United States." Turning to me she asks, "Why don't you tell the class a little about yourself, Anidori?"

I shift my weight onto the heels of my worn-out vans. Uncomfortable with all the eyes on me, I brush a loose strand of hair out of my face. Taking a deep grounding breath I look up.
Glancing around the room I say, "H-hi I'm Anidori, but most people call me Ani. Um, I uh, was born here but my parents moved to America for work when I was two. A few months ago my dad decided to come back home. To help his company he has here," I pause, trying to think of something else to say.

When someone says, "Since you grew up in America, you must know Majestia," a girl with brown hair and cute black glasses says, holding her phone out like a reporter. "Have you ever had any encounters with her or any of the United Heroez?"

"I um," the strand of hair falls back into my face and I begin fidgeting with it.

the girl sitting next to her says, "Alya, not every American personally knows the United Heroez. don't you know how huge the country is?" Her piercing blue eyes stand out among her features.

The class laughs as Mrs. Bustier says, "Alright, there will be time to get to know Anidori after class," turning back to me, Mrs. Bustier points to the table in front where the two girls that were just talking sit saying, "Why don't you sit with Alya and Marinette this year, Anidori."

I bob my head, quietly saying okay, and make my way up to my new seat. As I walk up the stairs a mean looking blonde kicks her bag in front of my feet, tripping over her bag I fall up the stairs . trying to catch myself I brace my fall with my hands. Which sends painful jolts up my wrists. Confused and in pain, I glance and the blonde girl who is quietly giggling with her friend, Hot tears begin to well up in my eyes.

Someone places their hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?" a boy's voice says behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, wincing as I look down to see my right wrist starting to swell. The tears start falling down my cheeks as I cradle my hurt arm. All I want is to cuddle Mr. Hops so he can comfort my owie. I reach for my bookbag where Mr. Hops is hiding. I dropped it in the fall and it landed a few feet away from me.

The boy gently grabs my swollen wrist, "That doesn't look okay. Mrs. Bustier I'm going to take Ani to the nurse. It looks like she sprained her wrist."

My face flushes with embarrassment. I look up to thank the person helping me and I come face to face with the famous Adrien Agreste. I've always said that famous people are just like any other person, but there's something about this boy that is so bright and charming.

"Here, let me help you," Adrien says as he offers me his hand.

Pulling me to my feet he grabs my bag, and guides me out the door. As we walk out of the classroom, I swear I hear someone calling me a weakling with baby wrists. Once the door fully closes behind us, Adrien leads me to the nurse's office.

"Sorry about Chloe, She can be really mean," Adrien says glancing over his shoulder, "Especially to new, seemingly kind people like yourself." I feel my wet cheeks burn at the compliment.

We stop in front of a door that says Nurse.

Adrien knocks waits a minute then knocks again, "Hello, Nurse? anyone here?" Adrien shrugs and pushes open the door. "I guess she's out for lunch or something." He gestures for me to sit and digs through the small freezer, looking for an ice pack.

"Thanks for helping me with this Adrien," I say as tears quietly run down my face. "I-It's hard moving to a country you don't remember living in, leaving all my friends behind. not that I had that many friends in the U.S. though. Then finding out your classmates are just as mean as the ones you flew away from."

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