Chapter Five - Sticker Friends

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I sit cross-legged on my bed contemplating what I should bring to Marinette's. I've spread out a bunch of my baby things in front of me, hoping it will help me make a decision. I stare at an assortment of pacis, toys, stuffies, and a pile of snacks I love to eat when small.

what do people bring to hangouts like this? I think, getting overwhelmed from looking at everything on my bed.

My shoulders tense as I think, what if when I regress I somehow out Adrien as Cat Noir in front of Marinette or somehow out him to someone else?

Flopping down on an empty part of the bed I unplug my phone to text Adrien about it and to look up what other people bring when they hang out with their regressor friends.

My phone opens to the messages app, the text conversation Luka and I had this morning.

L: Good morning, it's Luka. I hope you slept well. Last night was fun, we should skate together again soon.

if you'd want to.

A: Good morning! Yes we should! You free tomorrow?

L: I have a shift in the morning but I'm free after.

A: Perfect, it's a date.

L: Great!

Oh, btw, Here's the address for the concert tonight....

Don't worry if the GPS takes you a weird way. It's at my family's houseboat so the GPS gods might get a bit confused.

A: Oh wow! you guys live on a boat? that is really cool. You have to give me a tour!

L: Yeah for sure. I have to get back to work now or my boss is going to yell at me. I am so excited to see you again tonight!

A: Me too! see you tonight!

My cheeks burn as my eyes read and reread the 'It's a date' text I sent.

Why did I say that? I groan, curling my body into a ball around my phone.

I've never been on a date, besides a very awkward dinner with Connor B. from my seventh-grade class. My parents insisted they both had to chaperon Whenever Connor or I got anywhere near each other my Dad would give Connor the death glare. That poor boy never stood a chance with my overprotective father.

It's not that I don't want to date, it's that there was no one I felt that type of connection with. Before last night. I hope with every fiber in my being that I wasn't assuming things and seeing things that weren't there.

I tap over to Adrien and I's text conversation and text,

Ani: How do you not stress about outing yourself as Cat Noir to your friends all the time? I'm not even a superhero and I'm freaked out I might accidently out you somehow.

Adrien texts back a minute later,

Adri: Yeah, it's stressful sometimes. But, being Cat Noir is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Well, besides Marinette. I've had some close calls, but it gets easier. I'm sorry I forced you in on such a huge secret.

Ani: It's okay, you didn't have much of a choice at the time. I'm just scared I'm going to out you to Marinette or something.

Adri: It's pretty hard to do that on accident. Trust me, it'll be fine. Can't wait to see you soon!

Sighing, I stretch out on my bed, causing a few stuffies to fall off the bed,

"Oh no, I'm sorry guys!" I say, picking up Mr. Hops and My octopus, Remmy off the floor.

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