Chapter Seven - Sleepovers and Pancakes

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Ani's POV,

 The early morning sun peaks through the window, gently coaxing me awake with its warm light. My heart skips a beat as I realize I never went home last night. 

never left Luka's house, I am still in his bed! 

Not only did I fall asleep in his bed I fell asleep on him

Slowly, careful to not wake him, I turn my head to see Luka's sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. there is something so raw and real about seeing someone asleep. His face was completely relaxed, his hair messy, and a quiet snore slips out of his open mouth. I blush at my thoughts and scold myself for acting like a creep. 

Who watches people in their sleep? creeps that's who, Stop it Ani!

I sit up, the blanket Luka must of given me after I fell asleep slips off my shoulders. I look around the bed for my phone. I find it on the bedside table and text Marinette:

6:02 AM

A: Help!

I accidently fell asleep in Luka's bed last night. He's still Asleep but I don't know what to do!

M: Wow you had a fun night last night. ;) 

A: No it's not like that. 

A: We decided to watch a movie and he only has a laptop so we watched it in his bed. I must have fallen asleep during the movie. Being the nice guy he is he didn't want to wake me up so I trapped him in his own bed all night. Do I just leave so it won't be awkward?

A: What if his mother finds us in his bed together? She'll get the wrong idea!

M: Trust me if he wanted to move you he would have. Don't runaway from this you need to face every situation life throws your way. Honestly, it's not as big a deal as it seems. Luka is very understanding and forgiving.

M: You can either wait for him to wake up. which, shouldn't be long he wakes up early most days. Or, you can wake him up yourself. I get the feeling he is going to want to talk. ;) 

M: I have to help my dad in the bakery. Call me later!

Sighing, I drop my phone in my lap. I glance at Luka checking to make sure he is still sleeping. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I try to come up with an apology for when he wakes up. 

--- A few minutes later---

I Sit on the edge of his bed with my hands in my lap. I am so nervous about Luka waking up, but at the same time I want him to wake up, because its awkward being the only one awake. I nearly jump out of my skin when Luka moves.

He sits up yawning as he says, "Good morning, sleepyhead," his voice gravely from sleep. He runs his fingers through his hair as he looks at me with half closed eyes. Dropping his gaze to my hands he says, "You're picking at your fingers again,"

I glance down and see a new raw spot on my thumb. Blushing, I shove my hands under my thighs. A trick I learned over the years that helps when the picking gets a bit out of control.

"Good morning, so, I uh," I trip over my words not sure how to start, "Sorry, about last night. I guess I was really tired," I laugh uncomfortably not knowing where to look.

"It's okay Ani, you fell asleep it's no big deal," He swings his legs over the side of the bed sitting next to me, "Besides, It was nice not sleeping alone for once." 

My stomach flips at his words, I look up at him his cheeks slightly pink, "Is your mom going to think this is weird?" I say, not knowing how to follow what he said.

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