Chapter Three - Baby Kitty

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---The Night Before---

"Claws in," I say, landing in my bedroom after another successful evening patrol. Turning off the piano music on my phone I brush a thin layer of dust off the keys. I probably should practice this song before my exam lesson on Friday.

"Well, that was boring. where's Hawkmoth when you need him?" Plagg says as he makes a B-line to his cheese cupboard. (yes it smells just as bad as you think it would)

I Roll my eyes, "Plagg, people not getting akumatized is a good thing." sighing, I flop into my big beanbag chair, my head hanging upside down over the edge. I check the notifications I got on my phone while on patrol.

"Yeah, yeah keeping the people safe and all that but- Adrien," Plagg flies in front of my face reeking of warm camembert, "It was boringgggg."

"Maybe Hawkmoth took the day off. Don't worry he'll akumatize someone tomorrow. Just for you," I stand up, toss my phone on the beanbag, and stretch out my arms, "I'm going to take a shower. Don't eat all that cheese, your order isn't coming until next week."

"Awe come on. I knew I should have asked for express shipping."

---one shower later---

Once I finish drying off I walk over to my dresser to find some pjs. I push aside the Agreste brand sleep pants and shirts until I can reach the back where I keep my little jammies. the first pair I pull out is my Scooby-doo pants and shirt set.

After putting on my pjs, I walk back into my room where Plagg is fast asleep in his bed (which is a pile of my dirty socks) I fist pump the air and almost yell out in excitement before I catch myself. I can finally be little it's been so long.

Ever since Plagg came into my life I haven't been able to regress as much. It's not that I keep it a secret from him or anything. He actually knows about it. Although, it's a pretty personal thing for me so we don't talk about it much. In between the modeling and everything else Father forces me to do it's one of the only times I feel in control of my life. Besides being Cat Noir or when I am out with my friends of course.

Giddy, I start to slip as I pull out the box I keep all my little things in. I grab my favorite paci which is a plain black one. It's my favorite because it's the first little gear I ever got myself. I also take out my red and black dotted sippy, my coloring book, and a handful of loose colored pencils.

I fill my sippy with some apple juice I keep in the mini fridge, and plop myself down on my bed. Ready for a night of coloring and babbling to my panda stuffy.

"Bao-Bao, I wov 'you sooo much. tanks for bein' my best budddy in the worrd! (world)" Giggling, I toss Bao-Bao high into the air and catch him in a hug. I set him up so he can watch me color.

"I gonna cowor dis one for Wadybug, Okay Bao-Bao?"

Bao-Bao's head droops making him look sad.

"Awe, no be sad Bao-Bao." pointing to the next page I say, "Wook I cowor dis one for yous next."


"Wake up sleepy head it's time for school,"


A pillow hits my face, "Wh-what time is it?" I ask bleary-eyed, grabbing for my phone only to realize I fell asleep coloring last night and left my phone on the beanbag.

"You have twenty minutes before class starts," Plagg says as he looks at the mess surrounding me on the bed.

Colored pencils are strewn about, more on the floor than on the bed. A few finished coloring pages I ripped out of the book lay around me. A few of them say 'To Ladybug' and 'To Bao-Bao'

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