Chapter Nine - Confessions and Pancakes

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Tw: Bullying and talk of parent death.

"Okay, I'm here to listen Anidori," Luka says, his eyes intently set on mine. 

As I gather my thoughts Luka rubs his thumb on the back of my hand, soothing the growing ball of anxiety in my chest.

"So, back in America...."


"Morning Anidori!"  Macy calls from the front steps of  our middle school. Macy and I weren't  friends until a month ago. I've always been the loner in the corner of the room so it was strange when I her whole friend group started asking me to hangout. But, as someone who never had friends besides my weird cousin who lives three states away, I was excited.

"Hi Macy," I say jogging up the steps to give her a hug. 

She steps away from my open arms narrowing her eyes as she says, "The girls and I are planning to have a sleepover this weekend, You should come." Macy turns to wave at Kayla as she gets steps of her older brothers car. Leaving me at the top of the stairs, she runs over to Kayla and gives her a big hug.

-----Jump forward to the sleepover-----

"Okay, okay its my turn to ask," Kayla says, looking around the room. We're all in our pajamas laying on mattresses strewn about Macys huge bedroom. 

Kayla's eye lock with mine as she asks, "Anidori, truth or dare?" 

Macy whispers something into one of the other girls ear, the snicker as they glance in my direction.

Not in the mood for the types of dares the other girls have been saying, I answer, "Truth."

Kayla looks around the room probably coming up with a idea, "Have you ever regressed before?" 

I scrunch my face in a confused look pushing myself up into a sitting position, "What do you mean?"

The group of girls giggle as Kayla answers, "It's this cool new thing everyone is doing. You dressed up like a kid and play with toys like you did when you were younger. It's super fun, we've all done it before, Right girls?" She looks around the room as everyone nods in agreement, "I even have all the supplies, I put them in the bathroom, you should go change into them." She points to the door that leads to Macys bathroom.

I look around the room confused, "This is thing you all do?" I say getting up to walk to the bathroom.

"Yeah of course we do."

"Mhmm it's really fun."

A few of the girls say, as I walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me. There sitting on the oversized counter is a giant baby onesie ,pink bloomer shorts, and a pacifier. 

Is this really a normal thing friends do together? I think as I slip the outfit on. The girls have always been nice to me so why would they lie about this?

Looking in the mirror I gasp slightly as I take in the whole outfit.

 I actually look cute in this?

Feeling more confident I step out of the bathroom, Everyone erupts in laughter as about thirty flashes from ten different cameras go off all at once. Confused, I look around the room shading my eyes from the blinding camera flashes. 

The room is filled with kids from school. Even Jason. G the boy I had the hugest crush on but was always told by Kayla and Macy that I was way out of his league so he wasn't worth pursuing. He's laughing with his arm around Kayla's shoulders as they continue to take pictures of me. 

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