Chapter Eight - Tears and an Akuma

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Luka's POV:

"I-I need to go change. I've been wearing these clothes since yesterday," Ani says, her face dropping. No longer the silly goofy girl she was a moment ago.

"Are you okay, What's up?" I say, trying to think of anything I did to make her uncomfortable.

"No, it's nothing, I'm fine. I just feel gross in these clothes," Ani says, glancing up at me her eyes glossy with tears.

My heart drops as she sprints out of the kitchen to her room. 

I made her cry. What did I do? 

Not wanting to go after her and make her feel cornered in her room, I stay in the kitchen stirring the batter. Searching through my thoughts trying to figure out what I did to cause her to be so upset with me.

She seemed like she was regressing again. 

Did she feel uncomfortable regressing in front of me? 

she seemed fine last night. 

Maybe she doesn't like being called Punkin?

My mind continues to race when Mr. Cellier walks back into the kitchen. His eyebrows knight together as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Are you alright, sir?" I say half heartly, as I fight the urge to run to Ani's room and wrap her up in my arms.

Mr. Cellier drags his hand down his face, highlighting the dark bags under his eyes. Sighing he says, "Yeah of course, just a little issue at the office," he looks around the kitchen, "Where'd Ani go?"

Dropping my shoulders I say, "She went to her room to change. But, I think I upset her somehow."

Mr. Cellier grabs his chin in thought, "Hmm, I don't know how close you are with her," his eyes dart around the room searching for his next words, "I don't want to expose anything she doesn't want you to know. But, just know that she can be very secretive about certain aspects of her life," He pauses taking out a pan for the pancakes, "It's been really hard for her since she lost her mom, for both of us. She's had problems even before her mother passed. Thankfully her therapist was able to give her some coping skills that really help but she can be rather embarrassed about them," he says as he plops some butter into the hot pan. 

I watch it sizzle as he says, "Go talk to her, from what I've seen this morning she really likes you. That must mean you are a pretty amazing person." He nudges my shoulder pushing me toward the hall,

 I glance at the bowl of batter. 

"Don't worry I'll finish the pancakes. Go talk to her."

I thank Mr. Cellier as I walk towards Ani's door.


Ani's Pov, 

"Nothing, I'm fine. I just feel gross in these clothes," I says glancing up at Luka as the tears in my eyes threaten to overflow.

Not wanting Luka to see what a mess I am I run to my room. Closing the door a bit harder than I mean to, I flop on my bed and sob into my pile of stuffies. 

I'm so scared to tell anyone about my regression. Besides Adrien, everyone I have told have abandoned me because they thought I was a freak, or done something worse... 

My head shoots up as I realize Mr. Froggy is still in my bag. I Wipe my tear stained face on my sleeves as I spot my forgotten bag by the door. 

I roll off my bed and drag myself across the floor to where my bag sits. Pulling out Mr. Froggy a quite flapping noise catches my attention. Turning towards the noise I shriek. fluttering above  my bed is a dark purple and black butter fly. An Akuma!

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