Chapter 2: Shoto

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A/N: Harsh words, homophobia, etc

Hello my name is Shoto Todoroki I'm 19 years old and i am the son of the one and only Enji Todoroki, we are pirates i am his only son now my older brother died in a accident when I was only 3, my mom name is Rei todoroki she hardly does anything though. I want to be like my father when I'm much older so I follow all his rules, he sent me in a mission to get in the king and queen kingdom to gain their trust well I started off as a slave but then the prince confessed to me his feelings for me which shocked me especially since being gay is forbidden no man or girl should be with their own gender according to people is disgusting they command to get rid of them which they do they call it a sickness or a curse but I don't care about what people like what I only care about in the world is to make my father proud and to make us be the most wanted pirates and to end all his rivals which are the Bakugou's and Midoryia's I don't know their background but I hate them I've never seen the bakugou's since before I was sent to the mission whenever my father and them would fight I would have to be hidden it's a tradition to hide your children from the world till they are ready to take the title. I go by Shoto Susuki i kept my first name oh and I did get in a relationship with the the prince Izuku Midoriya but no one knows we'll till now this slave Kat saw us and said things so I beat him till he passed out, but your probably wondering why am I with the son of my father's enemy easy! To gain the trust of the family and well I do kinda like him but I ignore it I focus on the mission my father sent me the prince isn't worth to loose my fathers trust or proudness, he sends me letters time to time or we meet up and I just tell him the details and honestly I still can't gain the trust of the king I don't think he likes me the queen idk she hardly makes interaction with me even when I was a "Slave". Oh I'm a guard btw Izuku personal guard.
The door opened "what happened here?"the prince asked "he said things and I got fed up"I reply "hahahha pick him up we gotta take him to their room"He says and I nod: I pick him up wow he's heavy for a slave maybe his last owners did feed him, well not all owners are cruel.
We got to the room there's that red haired guy and yellow headed guy I dropped Kat on the ground and left.
The next morning at the dining table,

Queen: So honey I'm assuming you have met these lovely girls Toga and Mina
Prince: Yes I have.
👸: these two girls are beautiful they will be perfect to be your queen ofc you choose one,
🫅: Mom I've told you before I do not want to get married why do I have too
👸: we talked about this Izuku
🤴: what did you guys talk about hun?
👸: nothing honey
🤴: Kirishima go bring some more wine
Kirishima: Yes your majesty *bows*
🤴: How's Kat doing? He treating you well or should I disown him ?
👸: he doing fine he does what is asked, can I have a guard take Kat to Izuku's room and get him dressed
🤴: why is that ? He's shouldn't be treated superior
👸: oh please I'm not treating him any different I'm just going to the village for things that's all and I don't need a guard to take me I'll just take him
🤴 and what will he do huh? He's useless? He's filthy slave !?
👸- fine I'll take guard but Kat going with me I need him for something
🤴-okay, Shoto take Kat to Izuku room and get him dressed you will accompany the queen
Me: What about the prince? I'm his personal guard
🤴- he's not going anywhere plus there's more guards get to it now.
Me- yes sir.
Me and the slave walked towards the prince bedroom, we went inside. "Get undressed I'll get clothes for you"I says he doesn't reply heh probably scared, went to Izuku closet and took some clothes it just had prince type of clothing and slave like him shouldn't wear something like this. I left the closet and saw him he was undressed just with underwear no weird shit but he had a fit body for a slave but idk he kinda ... he has such a slim waist, firm/toned abs, big pecs that could get mistaken by female breasts if worn a tight shirt, he got big biceps, shoulders, overall fit, with the clothing he was wearing you couldn't realize such body he had if he was a female I would have lowkey fell for him, "the clothes can I have the clothes and stop staring at me like some pervert" he says with attitude I tossed the clothes towards, honestly he got guts to speak like that with attitude I wonder if he speaks that way with the king and queen they probably don't interact with him if they hardly talk with me why would they talk with him. "I'm finished"he says I look at him the clothing is a bit loose but not that loose except for the pants it's seemed to look tight on him, is it wrong that I'm checking him out ? I think it is especially if I'm in a relationship "let's go"I say and he nods giving a disgusted look I roll my eyes we left first and followed behind we saw the queen standing with Izuku near the door so we headed over there I bow "Your majesty"I say I look at katsuki and he just stood there does he not have manners!?He going to get a beating, "Ahh you're here! Let's get going now"the queen says "Izuku hunny please listen to your father I don't want any problems today"she's says "yes mom"he responded with a groan.
We left the palace and went to the village. "Kat are you and toga siblings?"The queen asked him "No we are not I have no siblings now I had one but died of the abuse of my old owner."He says "Oh you too look similar other her eyes being yellow and having brown hair"she says and he nods "How old are you? You seem quite young"She asks him, she never made conversation with me ever? Why to him? Is it cuz it's her personal slave it's probably that. "20"he responded "oh I see your older than my son he's only 19 going to turn 20 on July what about you?"she asks once more "don't know sorry but I know in 2 months I will be 21"he says is he dumb? 2 months is April the queen hummed in response, we been just walking I wonder why the queen needed to come to the village. We got some bar place and went in, why is the queen going to such place, couldn't careless. We went to a table where was a female around my age and a man. We sat down.
Guy: Inko it's been so long
Queen: Yes has been Mr.Yaoyorozu
Yaoyorozu: I've gotten your letter it says you want my daughter to marry your son? Is that correct?
Queen: yes but you see the king you know him not telling me things has brought two Females in the house for Izuku to choose his wife and I did not know that I'm sorry for making you come all over here!
Yaoyorozo: hmm that king don't know how you married the guy, but it fine honestly she was against the whole thing btw who is this boy with blonde
Queen: This is Kat My personal slave.
Yao: Hm, Wouldn't mind if I borrowed him for a day?
Queen: oh uh sure but you will need to return afterwards
Yao:of course how about I take him tomorrow? How does that sound?
Queen: it sounds like a plan to me. We'll now I should get back going to the castle
Yao:alright it was nice talking with you I'll see you tomorrow!
She nods and we left.
We returned to the kingdom once we arrived we saw the prince talking with that blonde girl
Queen: Izuku hunny where's your father ?
Izuku: outside talking with those dirty slaves he bought, and when will he *points at kat* take my clothes off before he gets them more dirty that will be hard to remove his dirtiness on them

Won't lie he kinda of a bastard I couldn't careless about that slave but nvm

Queen: go remove those clothes and put on your original clothes.
Izuku: follow him make sure he don't steal a thing
I nod and followed Kat to the room. We looked around to find his clothes and they were no where to be seen I look in the trash cuz that something he would do and with no surprise they were n there I grabbed them and toss them to him I would have handed it to him but I wouldn't want to seem nice especially the way he acted. He shoved me as he left the room. Why he such a bitch. I sat on Izuku bed till he came in.
Thanks for reading!! Hope y'all liked this chapter and will stick around for the rest!! Bye now <3!!

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