Chapter 10: lets start over?

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A/N: I changed the cover, It was to dark for my liking

**Midoryia Pov**

It's been what 2 days that I've been in this cell, it's honestly boring and uncomfortable. All I'm able to do is just sit on this cold ground either fall asleep or just stare at the guard who's either sitting reading a book, eating as he reads a book or walks back and forward reading another book!? Right now he's reading a book that's all he been doing these past two days I'm sure he's bored from doing the same exact thing. Though he does share some of his food to me which I appreciate it. "Hey you" I call out for his attention which he turns his head closing the book "Aren't you bored from being in here!! Cuz I am"I complain "Hmm? No I'm not I'm enjoying being in here I don't get to see that little guard of yours or should I say your boyfriend?which is annoying seeing him constantly and right now I get to read books how many I want I just finished two books. This is my third one and I would like to continue reading if you don't mind "He responded as he held up the book he was once reading before I stalked but there was like a sarcasm tone. I groan "I'm bored! Please entertain me, also he's not annoying you just don't know him well"I say with a whine "stop whining I've been in ur place before and I wasn't whining like you deal with it-it's the king orders for you to be in here." He responded with a eye roll "You have some guts rolling ur eyes to me! You're different from anyone who I've met" I say with a smirk "how so ?"he says "you talk to me normal not like if I'm superior than you which I am but you don't bow each time you see me or the king. I've always found it odd how he never told you anything about that everyone must bow at us we are royalty but you don't yet you get away with it. That's why I say you different from anyone I've met"I say he has no face expression "so I was thinking I know we have start on the wrong foot and yeah we had a conversation a few times but I want to start over, let's start over yeah?"i ask with hope "Sure we can start over I think it's best"Kat replied. Does this man not have expressions!!! He's always just serious or have a mad face.

These past 5 days I got to know kat we'll be both got know each other and honestly Kat isn't that bad he's actually an amazing person. We both gave each other a nickname I call him now "Kacchan" and he calls me "deku" even though that word means "useless or someone who can't do anything" I let it slide I'm sure he really doesn't mean it that way. I can say we are now friends. I learned that in his past owners they taught him how to read since most Slaves don't know how to read or write his owner taught him how to do all that. I've also asked him about his opinion on the recent events between me and father he just says he has no place to put an opinion in this, but that he doesn't think it's right. Honestly he's just great maybe I'm being to dramatic I just got to know him and now I'm admiring him?! Anyway today I get to leave this dungeon finally! "Are you happy that we get to leave this dungeon cuz I am"I say catching his attention "No now I have duty to get too"he says with a chuckle. I laugh "Well you are one of my fathers personal guards, you should be happy that ur his guard not every guard gets to be his personal! Yk shoto wanted to be his personal guard when I convince father to let be a guard instead of a slave but father didn't allow him to be so he became my personal guard which is good to have him at my side everyday"I say with a smile "maybe it's cuz he just not that good"he responded with a cocky smile I roll my eyes from his comment "don't be to full of yourself! Also I've never thanked you for Yk keeping me and him a secret"I thank him as I rub behind my neck "it's whatever even if did say something they wouldn't have believed a slave over the prince"he says I was about to say something till the door opened.

**No one's POV***

The king walked down stairs gather both katsuki's and izuku's attention "Father is my punishment over"Izuku asked his father hoping the answer was a yes katsuki stayed quiet didn't say or even greeted the king, though it didn't bother the king at all "Yes Izuku your punishment has ended I hope this was a meaningful experience and you've have learned from your mistakes and to be better than before you know the consequences if you don't do you understand Izuku before I unlock this door I need to know you understand what I'm saying I do not want to repeat myself to you again" The king commands with such a harsh tone that made Izuku shiver "yes father I understand I will be a better son and prince for you and our people"Izuku said without a stutter though he's very scared of his father right now. The king unlocked the door the he turned to the stairs and walked up with both Izuku and katsuki following behind. Once they made it to the top there was no one around "Izuku go to mother and let her know you are back do not mention anything about this got it!"The king said with a small yell at the end "yes father"Izuku replied. "You, we need to talk about something"The king says looking at Kat which Kat just nods.

They got to his office where the found kirishima inside waiting for the king. "Your majesty I was looking for you"He said with a bow "Not now kirishima, i need you to leave the room and go do some other stuff I don't want no one behind the door do you understand"he said "yes your majesty"kirishima said as he quickly left the room he felt a tension between the king and he's worried for Kat. Katsuki did feel a tension from the king, the only thing that was on his mind was "Fuck did he found out who was!? Did that blonde bitch told him ! That fucken bitch" the king sat down on his chair and katsuki sat on the chair on front of the desk. "So kat i need to talk to you about something serious and important"he says looking directly into his eyes no expression was shown on katsuki face which one made the king smile "What I'm going to tell you is something you can object from doing but I don't think this would be something you wouldn't want to take the opportunity, as you know my son must become the next king"he tells Kat only making katsuki confused on what he was trying to say "If my son doesn't get his act together and doesn't prove to me he's capable of becoming the next king he will not be king and that goes to that other person that was mention in the meeting with those people I'm sure you heard if he doesn't also doesn't prove to me he's actually capable on doing things he will also not get the throne"The king says waiting for Kat to say something which he just stares at the king. " what I'm trying to say kat if they both don't prove to me especially Izuku I will put you on the throne"the king said kat's eyes widen from what the king just said "WHAT?What are you saying?"kat yelled at the king which the king only smiled "there's a reaction, I mean it Kat you've showed me your capable to do anything! I saw it when I ordered you to do what that nasty man wanted you complain but yet you did it other guards wouldn't do something that low even if I order they would preferred to be killed than even thinking on doing such nasty thing but you your different I saw something in you when I first saw you, there's something about you that I just can't put my finger on it. "The king says "but why me !? I was a slave before all this!? How can you trust me on being the next king!? If the prince doesn't act right! Yk how insane is that"kat yells not caring at all what he says to the king this is something he never Ever expected or thought would happen. "Because I see something in you! Your different your vibe is different, I know from what I've seen, you would do anything! You showed me that, and I am willing to help you go get on top , don't you want to be king this is a huge opportunity to take! Cuz if I'm being honest with you Kat I have no hope on my son he will not prove anything to me he's just meant to be just a prince there's no king in him"the king tells Kat. Katsuki is just surprised from all this yet in the same time he feels great he wants to let out a laugh but he doesn't the fact that the king has some hope on him being king that his own Damm son is only making katsuki feel great. "So it's mostly gonna be between you and that other guy to show me who is meant to be the next king, so what do you say Kat are you willing to be the next king and show lme that your a better option than the two of them cuz what I see in you Kat is just power, strength and I know you will prove me right, so ?"The king waits for kats response "Okay if you think this is the right option I will show you that I meant to the next king"Kat says coldly with a smile "Great! That's the answer I wanted! You will be doing everything Izuku does but secretly keep in mind Izuku must not know anything about this"the king mentions "yes I understand"Kat replied the king smiled "you may go now oh you can have a day off today and tomorrow"He tells kat which he just nods as he stood up from the chair and left the room.

As katsuki was heading towards his room he was stopped when someone called out for him "Kacchan come here" kat turned and saw Izuku, a confused Shoto and kirishima who looks awkward. He walked over to them "Kacchan, what did father tell you?"The prince ask Kat "nothing important" kat respond "kacchan?"shoto questioned "oh it's his nickname, we are now friends ain't that right Kacchan"Izuku says with a smile that shoto has never ever seen "you can say that, this is mostly a forced friendship he held me gun point"kat joked which lead to Izuku slightly punching his arm. "Oh I did not"Izuku says. Shoto frowns as he rolls his eyes "Hey Kat can talk with you for a bit privately"kirishima asks with a nervous smile "Sure"kat responded and left with kirishima to his room.
Words: 1954

I wonder what does kirishima need to talk about with katsuki? Friendship between Izuku and katsuki wonder how Shoto feels about this👀. What do y'all think about Hisashi wanting katsuki to be king just cuz he doesn't have faith on his own son?
I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter more to come!! See you soon

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