Chapter 6: motives and deals

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It's been a whole month since katsuki and himiko has been in the kingdom of the north they have had no process of stealing the crown nor have found the treasure, Himiko has gotten closer with the prince tho and as for katsuki he's not a slave no more the king saw potential in him so he made him his personal guard with Kirishima so katsuki is slowly getting info from him ever since he became the guard and saw him crying the prince has treated katsuki differently: katsuki still tries to do te task king yaoyorozu yet can't accomplish it whenever he tries someone is always in the way that someone is Shoto katsuki finds him a bit odd bc he is the one who's is in the way. Shoto has been there longer than he was supposed too his father is getting impatient but shoto has been trying to go down where the treasure but Is always finding Kat right outside the door. shoto doesn't suspect Kat since he's the kings personal guard so shoto has been trying to closer with Kat but Kat won't let him get close, He doesn't really call him fag as much as he use too.

Shoto pov:
Right now I'm here in the training room with Kirishima and Kat this is the first time I'm in here with Kat he never goes in the training room I assume he's not good at fighting idk why he's a guard the one who trained him to be a guard was the king so he must just know the basics and doesn't wanna feel embarrassed that's he's not that good. I mean he does have a great body when I first saw it that time he was changing but you can't tell with the clothing he would wear and now with the armor it looks like everyone else so u can't really tell if his body actually built that way. Anyway I'm teaching kirishima how to do pull-ups as Kat just watches. "Shit man this is harder than it looks" he whined "you need to put ur back into it use ur back strength you have great build you just have to practice" I say as he let the bar go landing on his feet "Kat you should try!"he says "No I'm good I don't know how"he says "Me too let's learn together"he says flashing a big smile towards him "C'mon Kat just try ! Atleast one time!"he begged him "gosh fine"he says jumping to hold the bar he struggles to lift himself "see i can't"he claims don't know but it seems like he faking the struggle he let go of the bar "imma go look around as you two work out"he says "okay Kat! Don't feel ashamed about not being able to do it"he tells him we continue doing the pull-ups.

Katsuki pov:
Tsk ashamed hah!? I know how to do a damm pull up but I ain't going to show them my true power so I'll keep my "newbie" act not till I get back to my home. Anyway Shoto's form is so bad !! He going to hurt himself if he doesn't fix it not like I care anyway. This guard shit has to be my way In the trust of the king to tell me about the treasure so I can get of this hell hole. I turn on a bot that was just standing I think this is the boy they use to train. It made a loud as noise when it turned on I got in the fighting stance it started charging towards me I was about fight this wannabe superhero got in way by attacking the bot that powered off. "You okay!? If I didn't get here on time you could have gotten hurt"The wannabe hero says "I'm fine"I respond gosh I hate being treated as a weak person I'm guard why wouldn't I be able to finish that bot off guess he just wants to be my hero I roll my eyes "Kat you okay? Shit man I got scared"Shitty hair says "yeah I'm fine"I reply.

Mitsuki pov:
A few days ago we got this letter saying to go to the Enchanted forest that is in the south it's odd a suspicious so we are heading over there to see cuz of curiosity. Either way it's a beautiful forest has a lot of life creatures all around it's beautiful honestly we went once when our katsuki was only 3 years old with his never mind. "Hun you okay?"my husband asks "I'm fine I was just think about when we came to the enchanted forest when katsuki was 3"I reply as he face slightly drops.
"We are here" Aizawa said we all left the boat and headed into the forest everyone got in their spots incase of a attack so with me is just masaru Aizawa and his son Hitoshi. "So how would they know we are here Mitsuki"He asked "Not sure they just wrote down that they will have someone alert them or whatever"I replied we hear rustling in the bushes. The king of the south show up I won't lie I'm surprised is he the one that wanted to meet with him is just a guard and the queen is not scared of an attack or are his people hidden same way as mine. "Mitsuki; Masaru glad that you showed up"He calmly says "what's this !? A trap? What you want?"I spat in my aggressive tone "no need to yell I'm here to negotiate with you Mitsuki"he claims I look at him in confusion "hah!? A king wanting to negotiate with a pirate that is wanted? Interesting what's this?"i say he walked closer to us with his wife following behind "well we both have the same motive same goal and us working together could be the best decision any of us could make"he says with grin "I'm listening enlighten me well you"I say "Well we both have the same rival Hisashi Midoriya and I know you want him and his family dead and I won't lie I want him dead and if I have to kill his family then fucken be it"he states can't help but grin "is this a trap? A rare for king who supposedly Alied with the one they want to kill ?" I ask "well true but one can always betray one another and I'm not say this is trap or I'll betray you I know us two can finish them once a for all you get the title of being the best pirate who managed to kill a king and what took any valuables from him and I get the title of being king to both south and north"he says evily god I love this guy "you got urself a deal I will be having the asshole head on my sword"I say laughing "I'll hang it as a trophy and Rub it in that bitch enjis face"I add "well then Mitsuki seems like we are now partners in crime I'll send a letter to you to reunite and discuss the plan"he says "looking forward to it c'mon guys we heading back to the boat"* I say walking away.
"What do you think about this hun?"i ask "well seems interesting but we must keep our guard up for whatever reason" he states "yes indeed"I say "why would a king betray another king?"Shinsou asked "People will do anything just for power or they have some rivalry"i respond and he nods

Izuku pov:

Father training is exhausting, he wants me to write a speech to give out the villagers to let them know what I'll do as a king but ofc I have to practice he says to write a draft that he gonna make me read to everyone living in the castle, I haven't really spend much time with shoto cuz of this I see Kat more than him now. Honestly Kat isn't so bad as I thought he's actually different from anyone I've met, I've never met such a grumpy pants I like to make him mad he gets mad for any little thing. He kinda cute won't lie won't ever tell anyone that ofc. I think imma have to Shoto come to my room so we can spend time together well that's if I don't knock out like I always do.
Well that's it for this chapter! What did you think of it? Apologies of my grammar 😅 I type fast so Yk. Bye stay tuned for the next!

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