Why we failed pt. 11 A Ballad of Bowstrings

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Authors Note: Hello friends, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Just a few more until we return to the current part of the story. Please, let me know your thoughts. Comments help the story more than you can imagine. Thanks and enjoy.

Why we failed one-hundred years ago

part 11-

A Ballad of Bowstrings

Nearly one hundred men were heralded forth from the shadow of the corridor to march onto the arena of sand. From knights of high birth to former cutpurses, spectators roared in cheers and boos alike when each took to the field, an aspirant for glory, wealth, and redemption. One by one they lined along the wooden walls, presenting themselves to the audience that eagerly awaited their triumphs and falls.

Link, clad in a full set of armor and adorned with his prized wolf-helm, stood like a statue amidst the throng, humbled by the sea of faces watching them. A nervous gurgle bubbled in his belly, and his breath, heavy with anticipation, fogged the razor-sharp teeth of his visor. Just as the nerves threatened to overwhelm him, A friendly voice offered encouragement from behind. Jun had returned.

Snapping to attention, Link asked, "I was beginning to worry you found some better sense than I have and changed your mind and left for good. What did the guards want with you anyway?"

"Not what they wanted, but what she wants," Jun replied cryptically.

"Huh?" Link whispered, still facing forward to listen to the grand herald's loud, croaking voice echo over the crowd. Jun eagerly stood beside him, swiftly tying a blue and golden ribbon made from a small sash, around the crease of his elbow on his right arm. "What the?"

"She gave me it, it's for us! See!" Jun exclaimed, gesturing also to the banner he had fashioned from a similar, soft satin garment, now streaming proudly from the point of the spear pole. "The princess. These are her house colors, and she wants us to represent her for all to see, isn't that great? Now we have a banner as good as any! Better in fact! It's her own!"

Link gulped, barely squeaking out, "Y—yeah." That's exactly why I'm beginning to worry. He was torn between pride in the high honor of representing the princess and fear of the responsibility it entailed. Any misstep could tarnish her prestigious name in embarrassment or worse, shame. He cannot fail, he must not fail.

Jun, waving the flag for all to see, drew cheers from the audience. Though Link's vision was obscured by his visor, Jun relayed that the eager gazes of the royal enclosure were fixed on them. "Don't worry, Sir, we will win! And don't you fret about the mule, I have a plan!"

Link listened as the boy continued. "Perchance, I can do a quick trade with someone else while you're doing the archery contest. It should be a while between the jousts and melee, and I won't be much of help until then."

Link muttered back, juggling between hearing his squire and the herald at the same time. "Well, let's hope so. Or we're both going to live to regret wearing these colors."

"Leave it to me!" Jun insisted confidently.

The Herald then finally announced with a grandiose flourish, "And now, I say to you all, let the battles begin and let the best man win! Everyone—I give you, chosen by her Majesty herself to lead the first contest, Arch-master Revali and pride of the Rito skies!"

Revali awoke where he stood leaning against the wooden walls off to the side. Slightly flustered yet determined, flapped lightly atop the stage. From the commons swarming the picket fences to the nobility comfortable in their booths. Stunned silence immediate rang out after he took the stand and Revali's hawkish eyes darted across the stadium, to the crowd and finally to evaluate the challengers. It was then by a happy chance he glanced up to also find the eager and ginger gaze of the princess high up in the royal enclosure locked on him, waiting on bated breath what he would do or say next.

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