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She kept revealing from the start

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She kept revealing from the start. How a little girl came with these ghungroo to her and that text and whatever she remembered. He asked her about the places she has been to in this one week she named all the shops and places she has visited till now.

He kept listening to her. When he noticed her hands trembling he took a hold on her hands squeezing them and giving her assurance. He noticed that she was scared and how she trusted him and told him everything gave him a tinch of happiness somewhere in his heart. Listening to her he made a point that whoever this stalker is, he has known Shurisha for a long time. He can be someone from her college or someone who knows her and came to Mumbai to keep an eye on her.

Suvansh saw a lonely tear brimming on her face. He lifted his hand to wipe the tear off her face but before he could she herself wiped the tear off from her face rubbing her eyes and when she was done telling him everything that happened and the places she had been to she looked at him, his face shows sincerity and a need to give her comfort.

"In college with whom you have talked till now?" He asked with graveness clinging in his voice yet his voice was soft, he was still holding her hands which weren't trembling anymore. She looked at her hands and lifted her eyes to look at him and gave a reply after a long silence.

"with Nitya and Parth" she answered in a heavy voice. He nodded at her answer and went into deep thoughts. He was shocked just the way she was who can be the man appearing out of nowhere and playing this stalker game.

After a long silence he asked
"Do you have any ex-boyfriend or any boy you've been in scandal with?" Shurisha looked at his face with her eye brows furrowed with confusion and frustration. The only thought that crossed her mind was 'Is he even serious?'

"No I don't have any" she answered shortly, Suvansh noded at her reply and stood up leaving her hands and made his way towards his room without uttering a word. Shurisha kept gazing at his back and sighed. After few minutes Suvansh came wearing a black t-shirt and his specs kept on his nose.

Approaching isha he asked her to come with him. She stood up listening him knowing that it's not the time to tease him by not obeying him but for Suvansh time or situation doesn't matter he will tease her, irritate her, piss her off any chance he get and he did the same after hearing her questions.

"You weren't wearing the tshirt before and sitting very comfortably with me what happened now?" she asked as she watched him opened the door of her apartment. They were alone in his apartment too then why he wore a tshirt just to come inside her apartment.

He looked at her and then walked inside the living room while she followed him behind.

"Ohh I guess you were enjoying the view weren't you, should I remove the tshirt again" He said reaching out for the corner of his tshirt pulling it up a bit and Shurisha's eyes widened at his action.

"Wait no don't, idiot, why I'll enjoy the view I've seen you like that when I was kid" She said and sat on kitchen's slab. The kitchen was open with no door just a part of her living room. Suvansh pulled his hands away and thrusted them inside his jogger's pocket.

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