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❝Why didn't you tell Liberty about this sooner?❞

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Why didn't you tell Liberty about
this sooner?


BLOSSOM WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING, THE VILLA'S LIGHTS BLINDING HER VISION, with an overcoming amount of energy rushing through her. She was never ever a morning person but today, she was. For a reason she could not place her fingers on.

"Morning, Bella!" The blonde beauty called, jumping on top of the overwhelmed woman, "Jesus, Bloss!" Arabella exclaimed, eyes wide with shock as she blinked, adjusting her vision to the shining lights around her.

"I never would of taken you for a morning person," The girl stated, sitting up and adjusting her green jumper that had twisted around in the night.

Blossom flashed a cheeky grin, "I'm not!" She called, before jumping out of the bed and rushing up the stairs to the bedroom. She pushed the white door open with force, her smile lighting up the awkward vibe in the bedroom, "Morning, islanders!"

Demi smiled at the girl, shouting out a, "Good morning!" Other people chorusing her words. Blossom rushed over to the red head's bed, jokingly pushing Chris aside whilst she jumped in the middle. She cuddled into Demi's warm body, allowing the girl to kiss her head tenderly.

"How are you two?" Mitchel asked Toby and Georgia Steel, making the two side eye each other awkwardly, "Er.. It is what it is, I guess," The auburn haired girl stated, looking down at the sheets below her.

Blossom glanced over at Toby, noticing the slightly regretful look in his irises. She'd spoken to the boy on the sofas downstairs just before bed. He'd told her all about what had happened with Georgia Steel, and about his history with her on Love Island Games.

The boy caught her staring, sending her a questionable look, in which she just shrugged at and stuck her tongue out at him. The boy rolled his eyes playfully and blew a raspberry at her.

Bloss shook her head with a laugh, turning her head back to glance over at Molly's bed. She noticed Callum wasn't there and the fellow blonde was sat with a deep frown on her face.

The girl looked up at Demi, "One second," She muttered, moving once the girl hummed and clambered into Molly's bed, "You okay, babe?"

A frown still on her face, Molly hummed but Blossom didn't believe her. She fully sat herself up, facing her body towards the distressed girl in front of her. With a smile she began to speak, "I know you don't really know me, Mol. But you can always speak to me if you need a shoulder to cry on," She explained, watching as tears gathered in Molly's eyes.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍'───callum jonesWhere stories live. Discover now