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❝I just wish some people would stop fucking messing around in here

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I just wish some people would stop
fucking messing around
in here.


BLOSSOM WOKE UP WITH RED, PUFFY EYES AND A DRIED OUT PILLOW. She had cried since Callum had left and didn't stop until she drifted off into a deep sleep. The blonde hadn't been in the villa for too long, and she'd already cried for nearly half her time of being there.

Bloss didn't fully understand her reasoning of crying. All she knew was she didn't like the fact Callum and Georgia Steel had kissed last night.

It wasn't just that situation that had made her upset. Louis being in the villa wasn't really helping her mental state, and wasn't allowing her to focus on moving on with her life. It was really hard for her.

If it weren't for Molly, Arabella, Toby and Callum, she probably wouldn't even be where she was lying right now; in the villa, and not back home.

Blossom reluctantly got out of the daybed, feeling the morning sun shining on her tanned skin. It was pretty warm last night, but she'd barely noticed whilst she was sobbing.

She made her way to the kitchen before heading to the bedroom, filling her water bottle up that she'd spotted in there.

Bloss entered the room filled with already awake islanders, giving them each a smile and a small, "Morning," before clambering into Arabella and Chris' bed. The blonde cuddled up next to her taller friend, sighing with content.

Bella stared at her with furrowed brows. Sure, the two were close, but she always got in bed with Molly. Callum seemed to have noticed this too, eyes not leaving Blossom as she begun to speak to Chris.

"I hope you never twerk on Arabella like you twerked on me," The blonde stated with a disgusted look on her face at the memory.

The couple laughed at her. Chris ruffled the girl's hair before getting himself out of the bed.

Arabella stared down at her close friend with curious eyes. Blossom moved away from the cuddle, yawning. She looked up and into Bella's eyes, sighing at the look in them.

"What?" Bloss asked, watching Arabella as she shook her head, "Why didn't you get into bed with Mol?" She questioned in a hushed tone.

Blossom shrugged, "Because I wanted to get into bed with you instead."

Arabella rolled her eyes, "Bloss, I love you, but let's be real. You never get in my bed on a morning. Only on nights before you have to retreat to that dreadful bed," The blonde pointed towards the bed that Louis was just getting out of with a scowl.

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