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❝I didn't sleep with him, you fucking freak

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I didn't sleep with him,
you fucking freak.


SO MUCH WAS FUCKING HAPPENING THAT BLOSSOM MILLS FELT DIZZY. She had grabbed a blue beanbag just five minutes prior and positioned it in front of Callum's one. Josh and Luis sat alongside them, the group of four in a circle. She was trying to listen into Kaz, Mitch and Liberty's conversation but could barely hear anything over Josh's loud breathing.

"Shush!" She'd exclaimed, glaring over at the boy. He'd raised his hands up in defence, staring at the other two boys with wide eyes.

Callum had tried not to laugh at the concentrated look on Blossom's face, hiding his mouth with the palm of his hand. The group were sat in silence, thanks to Bloss and were forced to listen to the drama happening behind them.

She'd heard Kaz defend Liberty in every way possible, and Mitch stutter countless times before Lib walked away and stood next to Blossom.

Then, Lib looked like she was holding back tears so Blossom shuffled along for the girl to sit down. She'd cuddled her old friend in her arms, stroking Liberty's arm gently as the girl held back tears.

"You're perfect, Lib," Blossom had muttered to her, failing to notice the awed look on Callum's face as he watched her comfort Liberty.

Kaz had then rushed over, thanking Blossom before pulling Liberty away to the day beds. When this happened Demi was apologising to Mitchel before she then also rushed over to the day beds.

Now Blossom was sat glaring over at Mitch, who was making his way towards a crying Liberty.

"She deserves way better then him," The blonde beauty stated, earning a hum from Callum, "That boy is so messy, it's ridiculous," She stated, eyes narrowing once Luis snorted.

"What?" She questioned him, head tilting to the side. Callum had took notice that Blossom always did that when she was confused or intrigued by something.

"It's just funny because you were practically begging for him just three months ago," He smirked out, expecting Blossom to laugh at his crude joke.

Callum and Josh looked over at each other, both boys staring at one another with wide eyes..

Instead her confused eyes turned into slits, pupils shooting daggers at the boy to the side of her, "You fucking what?" She spat, watching as he rolled his eyes, "Don't try and lie about it, Bloss. We all know you slept with him."

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