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❝I'm forever scared of this darned blue bean bag

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I'm forever scared of this darned
blue bean bag.


BLOSSOM WATCHED GEORGIA STEEL AND TOM WALK AWAY FROM A RATHER INTERESTING LOOKING DATE. Blossom wasn't very happy with the auburn haired woman, considering she had sat on Tom's lap right in front of Callum's line of sight.

"Hi, guys!" Molly greeted the not couple, taking notice of the bashful smiles on each of their faces, "How was your date?"

"It was good."

"Tom!" Chris shouted, rather loudly, "Who was your favourite date?" He asked, making Blossom quirk a brow at the unfair question.

The group oohed at the man, all looking at Tom with expectant eyes.

Tom looked around, suddenly feeling put on the spot, "My favourite date? I feel like the chat was different with all three," He admitted, making Blossom smile. Good answer.

"It's nice to see a few faces," He glanced over to Blossom, "Nice to see a new face," His eyes moved to Molly, who scrunched her nose at the man with a smile, "Erm, yeah."

The group laughed at Tom, Josh mainly. Since he found everything funny. Blossom playfully rolled her eyes at her mate, watching as he stuck his tongue out at her.

"How does that fence feel on your arse, lad?" Chris joked, making everybody laugh. Blossom leaned onto Molly with a giggle, shaking her head at Tom's slightly embarrassed eyes.

"Yeah. It was good, man. It was good."

The rest of the islanders begun to enter the garden with a cheer, catching Blossom's attention as she sighed to herself. She really didn't want to face Callum right now.

The two hadn't spoken since yesterday and a newfound, awkward atmosphere had appeared between them whenever left alone. Blossom found herself dreading being by herself with the man. She didn't enjoy the way her stomach fluttered strangely, and how her cheeks suddenly became red. Or, maybe she did. She just didn't understand that yet.

All of this felt like it had came out of nowhere, and Blossom was just so, so confused.

Arabella headed straight towards her girls, hugging Blossom from behind. She leant down, her lips touching the blonde's ear, "How was your date?"

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍'───callum jonesWhere stories live. Discover now