Chap. 2-First Hangout🙃

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Anyways lets continue with the story

Piersons POV:

I went inside to continue unpacking. The guy I just met, Brent? yeah Brent he seems pretty nice maybe we could become friends. Boy was he blushing at the end. Does he have a crush on me??? I don't think so... after all we just met. 

Brents POV:

ugh... why can't I stop thinking about Pierson. I wanted to talk some more with her. Try to be... friends. yeah... friends. Lexi barged into my room.

Br-get out Lexi

Lr-can you at least tell me about our neighbor


I said thinking about my talk with Pierson and smiling. I wanted to say this:

She's a beautiful brunette with pretty hazel eyes and a warm smile. And has an amazing personality from what I know

Heres what I said:

Br-well her names Pierson

Lr-Pierson that's pretty

Br-it is

Brent said to himself quietly

Br-She has a younger brother and she's really hot

Br- *blushing*oops I did not mean to say that. 

Lr-*smiling* to bad you did. MY BROTHER HAS A NEW CRUSH!!!

Lr-And... I got a recording of it

She said holding up her phone

Br- Lexiuh give that to me!!!

Lr-not until I show this to Pierson

Lexi ran down the stairs laughing and I just chased after her afraid she'd actually give it to Pierson.

Lexi Rivera's POV:

I ran downstairs and outside. I wasn't even planning to show it to Pierson I just wanted to see how Brent would react. I hid behind a bush. I saw Brent run out the house looking to his left. in front of him I saw Pierson looking down at her phone. Oh no this isn't gonna end well.

Brents POV:

I was running outside to find Lexi when I crashed into someone. We both fell to the ground. I had closed my eyes bracing for the impact so I didn't see who it was. I slowly opened my eyes.

Br-*blushing* Pierson nice to see you again. I'm so sorry. I didn't want the second time I meet you to be like this.

P-*smiling* Its ok

Br-*blushing softly and smiling* I know this is a weird thing to ask but... do you wanna come over to my place we can hang out. I wanted to get to know you better.

P-Its not weird at all and I'd love to

I grinned from ear to ear and felt myself blushing hard. I got up and gave her my hand to help her up. her hands touching mine felt like- like- umm... a burst of electricity. but the good kind.

P-*smiling* thank you

Br-*blushing hard* anytime

I led her back to my house and opened the door.

Br-*smiling* ladies first

I said as a joke.

P-*laughing* what a gentleman

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