Chap. 10-Canada🇨🇦

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Lexi Rivera's POV:

P-Its... its Jeremy😳



P-shhh shh he'll hear you🤫

well brents gonna be pissed


Lr-okay... but Jeremy?!😑

P-whats wrong with that he's just so sweet and kind an he'd be a great boyfriend😊

Lr-you clearly haven't met him properly🤣

P-oh no I have he's really sweet I hope he makes a move soon🥰

trust me Jeremys not gonna make a move anytime soon at least on you... If only it was my brother. plus she's lucky he wont make a move he's so disgusting and dumb too.

Wow writing this part was hard! I LOVE YOU JEREMY I'M SO SORRY THIS IS ONLY FOR THE STORY!

The plane speaker-We have arrived at our destination thank you for flying air delta

P-yes we arrived!!!!😁

I'm still shocked from piersons confession but I get off the plane hoping to as her one more thing

Lr-wait pierson how recent is this crush?🤨

P-only a few days ago🙃

OH MY GAWWWD (A Lexi r and brent classic😇) I can't believe it!!! what will I tell brent?!

Brents POV:

I got off the plane and went to find pierson

Br-hey pier how was the flight for you?😉

P-pretty good how bout you😊

Br-a little bumpy but it was fine😁


I heard Andrew say from the baggage claim


I said and me and Pierson rushed over to them.

No Ones POV:

they got in a taxi then drove to the hotel. They checked in then went to their large room.

Je-You ready guys?😉

Jeremy said opening the door. the door opened to a really large room

It looked sorta like this but with bathrooms on the back:

It looked sorta like this but with bathrooms on the back:

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P-omg its beautiful!!!🤩


All except Je- THANKS JEREMY!!!!!😊

He got a big hug from each of them. they got settled in for the night. they all had mattresses on the floor and they slept early cause tomorrow they had to wake up for some skiing and snowboarding. 

*Little note: this is a really fancy hotel and basically the room service there is amazing so anything they order will come really quick.

thanks for reading I actually updated this time😊!!!! if you want give me some Ideas I already have the next chapter planned. maybe the one after it?😁

Next chapter=is interesting!!! at least I'll try to make it interesting...😉

~380 words

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