Chap. 21- Messing around🤪

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Piersons POV:

He picked me up my legs on either side of him and walked towards his room


I screamed giggling and trying to squirm out of his arms but he kept his hands firm on my leg and threw me on his bed playfully.

Br- Watch out!!

he threw himself at me and started tickling me hard. I started laughing so hard I was crying. I ended up laying next to him on the bed and he put an arm around me.

Br- your adorable you know that?

Brents POV:

she shook her head. If she doesn't know I'll show her. I kissed the tip of her nose and she let out a small sneeze the kind you'd think a puppy does HOW ARE HER SNEEZES CUTE?!!

P- hey what was that for?

Piersons POV:

He gave me one of his smiles a signature brent smile the one that made me go crazy. 

Br- can I do something?

P- sure...

he was acting weird. he turned me around so my back was facing him. I was a bit confused for a sec until I felt him wrap his arms around me and press my back into his chest

Br- is this ok?

he asked seeming a bit worried I nodded and relaxed into him. 

Br- Pierson I've wanted this for so long...

P- I wanted this too

I felt myself drifting off. brents arms loosened and I could tell he fell asleep. I'm sleeping next to brent... NO I'm sleeping in BRENT RIVERAS ARMS!!! I eventually fell asleep peacefully.

The next day:

I woke up and felt arms around me. oh yeah its brent I snuggled in closer. moving myself I felt something pressing against my backside. I knew what it was...

P- brent...

he didn't wake up and just pressed me into him probably not knowing what he was doing. Oh crap  I moved a little so he wasn't pressed into me and brent stirred. he woke up calmly then got up with a jolt.

Br- oh pier

he realized what was happening and let go of me,

Br- pierson I'm sorry. its just that-

P- brent calm down...

Br- but...

P- seriously its not a big deal. I get it its fine its the morning and you were just sleeping.

Br- its also been a long time since I slept with someone

P- shhhh I get it

I gave him a hug and he seemed to relax.

P- wait brent wheres lexi?

Br- oh last night she went to spend the night at andrews...

P- and you didn't care?

Br- well I got to spend the night with you

I smiled blushing a little

Br- I'm gonna go take a shower ok?

P- yup

when he got in the shower I decided to go make breakfast.

Brents POV:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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