Chap. 15-Kidnapped!!!😶

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Tell me why they look like a married couple in this picture????


Disclaimer: theres a lot of swearing in this chapter....


Brents POV:

De-you two are so cute are you dating???

Br-yeah shes my girlfriend

I said to avoid problems this time. Pierson looked up and gave me a grateful look I gave her a small smile back. the driver started driving for about 20 minutes until we reached our location... by now pierson was asleep on my shoulder.

De-ok were here. umm sir this place looks a little sketchy are you sure its the right spot.

I nodded my head now a little afraid

 De-I could take you to a neighborhood instead?

Br-no its fine we'll get off here. Pierson????

I rubbed her shoulder to wake her up.


she said still half asleep and hugged me. the driver smiled at me and I smiled back.

P-I love you brent

I felt my whole face go red I knew that this was for the "she's my girlfriend" act but I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I kissed her forehead as part of the act. and maybe a little just for the sake of kissing her. I pulled out some money and offered it to the driver.

De-no no no son (bros really old) keep that It was a pleasure to drive you folk here.

I smiled at him and placed the money on the table next to him (that thingy in the car that I dont know the name of someone help me!!!!) 

Br-you dont know how much it means to us to have a proper driver thank you sooo much.

De-your welcome son have a good night

I picked up pierson and took her out of the car. she nuzzled her face in my chest asleep and I smiled at her. I waved goodbye as our driver pulled out of the area.

Br-hey pierson...


she woke up with a startle

Br-calm down!! we have to go see our friends now...

P-oh yeah I forgot about that...

Br-I'm sure It'll be fine. also do you wanna get on my back?? (he was carrying her bridal style)

P-would that be better for you???

Br-anythings fine I just want you to be comfortable

p-ok then

she got down standing on her good leg and I picked her up piggy back

P-thanks brent!!

she said and she rested her chin on my shoulder. I smiled and started walking towards the garage door. 

Br-hello anyone in here???

I yelled so they could hear me through the door. the door opened (like a normal garage door would) 

Pretend its as big as ben's warehouse (I cant think of anything else to compare it to)

Br-LEXI??? JEREMY??? ANDREW??? BEN??? DOM???? LIV???? ASHTON????

I heard muffled noises coming from deeper inside the dark garage. I could tell that just like me pierson was terrified. she held on tighter to me and her eyes were closed.

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