Chap. 17-I love you🥺

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Who agrees that the way they ate this mango together proves that they've made out before.

No Ones POV:

Ax-I didn't mention what I want in return...

Br-how much do you want???

he said pulling out his wallet annoyed

Ax-I dont want money I want pierson...

Br-in your dreams

he said closing his wallet

Br-come on gang lets go

they walked towards the door

Ax-not so fast

Brent turned around and Axel had an actual gun pointed at all of them.


Br-you said you let us go!

Ax-changed my mind


They all started running towards the door then Axel pulled the trigger. everyone looked around and saw that he had shot brent in his right arm and despite this brent was still running. they went outside and found a van parked outside.

The ✨WATTPAD LOGIC✨ in this story is going crazy.

They all got in  the car.

Br-I'll drive!

Je-Are you stupid?! you just got shot in the arm!!!

An-ok I'll drive!!

Andrew got in the front and opened the engine. 

Lr-Andrew we have to get to the hospital!! brents bleeding bad!!!

Piersons POV:

Andrew was rushing down the highway and brent was holding his arm trying to stop it from bleeding. I wanted to hug and comfort him but I knew it would make it worse... all of a sudden he passed out probably from the amount of blood loss. and I started crying...



I whimpered

Lr- he's gonna be fine calm down I read about this and it isn't enough blood to kill him. why are you so sad?

P-when I hurt my leg he took care of me and if anything happens to him I dont know what I'm gonna do

I said crying harder and lexi gave me a hug to comfort me. after what seemed like forever we finally got to the hospital.

Doc(doctor other then the first one)-bring him in

They put him on a sledge and took him to the emergency room. all of us followed them. when we finally got inside the room they put brent on the bed thingy and called the doctor.

Doc-so what happened?

Je-he got shot in his right arm

P-w-will h-h-he be okay?

I asked through tears

Doc-I think he still has enough blood but we just need to fix his arm up and let him rest and it might take a few days before he wakes up...

we went out and they fixed his arm up before finally let us back in. I took a few breaths to calm down then sat next to the bed brent was on and touched his hand. Everyone looked at me confused.

An-Are you two?


I shouted (my anger issues be like...)

Je-no need to get defensive about it

No Ones POV:

P-I'm not fucking defensive

she muttered

D-chill dude

Pierson just ignored him and looked at brent.

Lr-guys easy on her she's just worried about her crush


L-Lets just let her be with him for a while...

They all walked out leaving her alone with brent. 

Piersons POV:

The moment the door closed I started crying into brents shirt. today was too much for me and now that I didn't have brent to comfort me made it so much worse. I dont know what I'd do if I lost him...

P- B-b-brent...

There was nothing I could do to help him now so instead I kissed his cheek and hand in hopes oh him waking up. 

P-Brent it hasn't been too long but I miss you. Your the sweetest guy I've ever met and I dont wanna lose you. Please wake up! I love you...


Thanks for reading

This took so long for no reason but I'm working on updating most of my stories!!!

Hope you guys like it and if you have any ideas comment them or private message me!!!!!


~608 words

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