Chap. 13-The drivers a bitch....😰

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Pierson wearing brents hoodie😏😏😏

I just love how this story is at 69 votes rn!!!!😏😏😏

Brents POV:

Br-Pierson can you hear me?

she opened her eyes so I let go giving her space


she gave me hug relieved. I saw the doctor smirking from the corner of my eye. (if you forgot the doctor knows that brent likes pierson). after a while she finally let go.

P-what happened I cant remember...

Br-you tried a jump and broke your leg

P-how did I get down here???

Br-I carried you and skied down.

She smiled blushing a little

P-thanks brent I wont forget this. but wheres the group???

Br-they left... probably another one of their stupid pranks😒

P-so how are we gonna get back...

Br-I'll call a taxi and they can take us back to the hotel.


No Ones POV:

Pierson tried to get up but failed

Br-hey doc do you have crutches by any chance

Doc-doc... i like that!!!! and sadly no

P-its fine I'll manage

she tried to get up a second time and this time she sat up her legs dangling from the side of the bed. but as soon as she stood up her legs failed her and she fell to the ground.


He went to her side and helped her up putting her arm around his shoulder to give her balance on her right leg (the one thats hurt)

Br-this better???


pierson said but she winced as soon as she tried to walk with brent.

Br-this is clearly not gonna work soo....

he turned around giving her his back.

Br-hey doc could you help her up???

the doctor smiled knowing that brent likes her and this was his stupid way of making a move but then she helped pierson onto brent so she was riding him (😏) (Brierson1212) piggyback. brent turned around to the doctor.

Br-I really dont know how to thank you.

brent pulled out some money.

Br-please take this...

She smiled.

doc-I couldn't it was a pleasure helping you two lovebirds

Brent went red and pierson just giggled and tousled brents hair (Brierson1212)

like this except she's on his back: tousling (basically just patting their head but messing their hair up)

like this except she's on his back: tousling (basically just patting their head but messing their hair up)

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