Chap. 12-They left?!🙄

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Brents POV:

She slid towards the jump and took off. I realized she wasn't gonna be able to land.


I watched as she landed on a rock her snowboard snapped in two and she was thrown into the air and landed hard a few feet ahead of me


Br-no no no Pierson?!

I skied towards her then took off my skies and crouched down to look at her. could she really be.... I felt her heart and it was still beating. I let out a shaky breath realizing it wasn't too late.

Br- Pierson wake up please...


she said faintly and barely opened her eyes. I hugged her but she winced so I let go.

Br-what happened are you okay?

P-my leg

she barely got out. I realized that she probably wouldn't be able to walk. I would've called ski patrol but they wouldn't be able to get up.

Don't ask its ✨wattpad logic!!!✨

So I picked her up bridal style. I looked down the mountain and realized it was a far way down and by the time I'd get down walking it would probably be too late.

Br-hold on pier its gonna be okay

I put her head into my chest to keep her warm. I looked around and found my skiis. this would be really risky but its the only way to get down fast enough. I clicked my skiis in then found my balance.

Br-here we go pierson please try to stay awake

I told her as she started to close her eyes

P-but I'm tired...

Br-come on pierson come on...

I started skiing down slowly getting used to having her in my arms then I picked up the pace racing down. I finally got to the lodge. I took off my skiis and walked inside. 

Br-Guys!!! Guyss!!!! AMP WORLD!!!!!

Rg(random guy)-are you looking for a big group of youtubers?


I said desperately

Rg-oh they left a while ago...

Br-THEY LEFT?! probably some stupid prank they decided to pull.

I started walking fast towards the ski patrol.

you can't run in ski boots

Rg-sir? sir?

I ignored him. I flung open the door to the ski patrol.

Br-can someone please help me!!!!

At this point there were tears streaming down my eyes.

Doc(pretty self explanatory)- Bring her over here

She said mentioning to the bed. I walked over and laid her down.

Br-P-please he-lp

I could barely get my words out.

Doc-what happened?

Br-sh-she was sn-snowboarding down and then she tried a jump and it cracked she fell

my sentences didn't make sense anymore. all of a sudden I got dizzy and....


that was the last thing I heard then the world faded out.

Doctors POV:

(what am I doing with my life?)

The man fainted and went completely unconscious. The only thing I heard from him was that the lady who I assume is his girlfriend was snowboarding she tried a jump I assume she tried a jump her snowboard cracked and she fell down. at least thats what I heard him say... I took the man I looked at his pass and apparently his name is brent... brent rivera that famous youtuber!!!  I picked brent up and laid him on another bed. then looked at the ladies card.... Pierson wodzynski must be the new girl he just added to amp. After 15 minutes I had wrapped pierson's leg up. I slightly shook brent attempting to wake him up.

Doc-Brent? Brent?

Brents POV:

I heard a faint voice calling out my name. I opened my eyes then finally realized where I was.

Br-PIERSON!!! where is she? what happened?!

I said getting up and walking towards her bed

Doc-calm down she's fine. her legs broken but she's just sleeping right now.

I let out a breath calming down.

Doc- your brent rivera aren't you?


I said not taking my eyes off pierson.

Doc-you really care about her dont you


I said finally looking at her

Doc-let me guess you like her dont you?

my face turned a deep red

Br-what I never said tha-

Doc-dont worry you secrets safe with me.

I smiled realizing that I could trust this doctor. Pierson stirred and I ran to her side giving her a big hug.

Doc-careful careful she's in a lot of pain right now and you dont wanna hurt her even more then she is hurt.

I loosened my grip on her a little but didn't let go.

Br-Pierson can you hear me?

she opened her eyes so I let go giving her space. 

yeah I'm leaving it here!!!

hope you liked the chapter. it was really fun to write this!!!!

trying to update more often now. I'm gonna try do do my one shot book soon.


~740 words

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