Chap. 4-Tiktok Monday🗓

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Brents POV:

I added Pierson to the group chat then texted them to come over since its almost 12:00 P.M. after a minute Pierson came over.

Br-Wow that was fast 

I said opening the door

P-I mean I live right next to you and the squad house:) (pretend the squad house is near brent's house)

Br-oh yeah I forgot about that😅

Pierson giggled

Br-well anyways come in

I said opening the door wider than it was before. I gave Pierson a quick hug leaving her smiling and blushing slightly when I let go.

Br-are you gonna come in 

I said to her motioning to the doorway

P-oh yeah

She walked into the house still slightly blushing. for about 5 minutes I led her through the house giving her a little tour. then we went to sit on the couch

P-so any plans on what we're going to do today.

Br-well the group planned a sleepover and since your now part of the group your invited of course

No Ones POV:

Pierson smiled

Br-can you please stay for the sleepover pier please please🥺

she started giggling from how desperate he sounded

P-Don't worry I was planning too

Brent didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her and give her a long hug. after a while he still hadn't let go.


she said laughing and blushing

Br-oh sorry

he said as he pulled out of the hug blushing hard. they just sat there for a second staring at each other. Then they heard the door open. Lexi Rivera walked in holding Starbucks (Brent had woken up before her and drove to the squad house). 

Lr-what are the lovebirds up to

Brent rolled his eyes and while Pierson started laughing. Lexi winked at Brent then told Pierson...

Lr-Hey Pierson do you wanna go hangout in upstairs chill and maybe film some Tiktoks

P-That would be great!!!

 Brents POV:

The girls went upstairs to chill and I couldn't help smiling. their gonna be great friends and ima make her Lexi's sis-in-law. Andrew, Jeremy, Ben, and Dom came and then after a while Lexi Hensler, and Liv came as well as hanna who came for the day. So I went and got Pierson and Lexi

Ben-sooo... we heard that someone has a crush

He said nudging me.

An-tell us about her 

D-yeah why do you like her???

Br-she's really sweet and pretty

An-who knows she might be your soulmate


I said smiling. The girls came downstairs and I decided to introduce pierson.

Br-so guys we have a new member in the squad her name is pierson. here she is.

P-hi guys

Pierson said as she popped out from behind brent

Br-well thats all I had to say lets continue with TikTok Monday

No Ones POV:

Before we all went our separate ways Lexi hensler got up and said.

Lh-guys I was thinking we could have a partner TikTok day

Br-oh yeah that would be fun

P-whats that???

Br-its where you choose a partner and you make all your TikToks with them

Lr-And this time lets make it girl with a boy and whoever's TikTok is the cutest wins

Br-ok lets choose our partners

Brents POV:

Pierson looked hesitant so I walked over to her

Br-hey Pier you good?

P-yeah its just I dont know much of these people and I don't think I'll find a partner

Br-why do you think I came up to you?

Pierson smiled

Br-do you wanna be my partner

P-of course

The Partners:

Brent-Pierson (Brierson)

Lexi r-Andrew (Landrew)

Lexi h-Jeremy (not a ship ofc)

Liv-Dom (not a ship ofc)

Ben-Hannah (Bennah)

Pls don't come after me I only ship the people who have a ship name next to their names.

Okay back to the story:

*with Brierson*

No Ones POV:

Br-so Pier we can just make all the TikToks we want then we can choose one for the competition

P-Sounds like a plan

They made a couple of Tiktoks sry guys i'm too lazy to choose them but the one they entered in the competition was this one:

They made a couple of Tiktoks sry guys i'm too lazy to choose them but the one they entered in the competition was this one:

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anyways back to the story...

Everyone else entered there TikToks and the rest of the group agreed that Brent and Pierson's was the cutest. They continued making TikToks for the day until it was time for the sleep over...

Sorry for not updating guys its just I had a lot of homework and tests and I was busy doing other stuff. I'll try to update really soon maybe even tonight. Hope you guys understand. THANK YOU!!!

~720 Words

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