Chap. 14-Is it a prank or not?!!😥

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Help this picture....

It looks like their both trying to Rizz up the camera but brent probably just ended up Rizzing up pierson....

Brents POV:

Br-How am I supposed to chill out when your being a weirdo towards my friend and gonna kill us!!! PULL OVER WERE GETTING OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Carlos pulled over and as soon as he stopped the car he fell asleep on the wheel. I got out the car angry and went over to piersons side. When I opened the door I saw that her face was full of tears...


She looked up tears still streaming down her face.

btw: there stranded on a road that barely anyone drives near and carlos is just asleep on the wheel...

I picked her up and took her to a bench behind a few trees. I sat down putting her next to me. and she hugged me her face in my shoulder.

Br-Pierson whats wrong please tell me...

P-the d-driver...

Br-Yeah I'm so sorry he shouldn't have touched or kissed you he was probably drunk...

Pierson didn't respond and just cried harder into my sweater. 

Br-shhh shhh

I rubbed her back trying to calm her down but it didn't really work.

Br-Pierson is there something else...

She nodded her head but didn't answer me. 

Br-you wanna tell me?

P- my- m-

she couldn't continue and started crying even harder than before. I felt so bad her breath was coming in uneven gasps and she was clinging on to my sweater as I tried to offer her the comfort she needed. I let her cry until her breathing slowed and it looked like she fell asleep. I wiped her tears off her cheeks and laid her head on my lap so she could sleep then I played with her hair (Brierson1212) and opened my phone up. 20 MISSED CALLS?!!! I called the person back...


Br-umm.. hi who is this

Ax-thats not important what is important is that if you wanna see your friends again come to this location 

A text message popped up on my phone. I opened it and it was pretty close.

Br-Who are you?!! and what are you doing with my friends???? is this a prank?!!

Ax-come to this location and you'll see...

The man closed the phone without saying anything else. then I felt pierson lift her head off my lap.

P-Brent are our friends ok???

she said with tears in her eyes now for a different reason.

Br-I hope so... this might be one of their pranks but honestly that guy sounded serious. were just gonna have to drive to the location and find out for ourselves. let me call a different taxi driver to come pick us up. 

Pierson looked back at our old taxi and whimpered

Br-shhh its gonna be okay everything's fine

Pierson getting babied over here!!! (Brierson1212)

I called a different taxi to come then I picked up pierson and took her to the side of the road so we could wait there.

Br-you wanna tell me why you were crying so hard now???

Pierson looked at me then bit her lip but eventually she nodded.

P- its just m-my ex used t-to always j-just like do stuff without p-premission and after we b-broke up he still u-sed to try and f-find me...

she started tearing up again and I pulled her back in for a hug.

(there sitting on the side of the road)

Br-did the driver remind you of your ex???


she started crying again I looked up in time to see that the new driver had came. I picked pierson up and she was still crying into my sweater. the man came and opened the front door but I kicked it close not wanting to risk it again. he opened the back for us and I smiled at him a put pierson in then I went and joined her. she scooted closer to me and put her face in my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

Denny (De)-so guys where ya going???

Br-here please 

I gave him my phone so he could put in the location.  meanwhile pierson was still in my arms crying though she had quieted a little.

De-you two are so cute are you dating

Br-yeah shes my girlfriend

I said to avoid problems this time. Pierson looked up and gave me a grateful look I gave her a small smile back. the driver started driving for about 20 minutes until we reached our location...

okay I'm leaving this here hope you guys liked the chapter i'm like half asleep rn!!!

shoutout to: Landrew6854 and bRiErSoN25

make sure to read their stories


my frequently used emojis!!! (Brierson1212) :

my frequently used emojis!!! (Brierson1212) :

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Byeeeeee guys cya in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~770 words

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