What a reminder!

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I don't know for how long I was venting at all but I think I might have remodelled it quite a bit. Things were now laying on the ground some were broken and some were actually safe and sound and they managed to survive my fit. On the other hand, it looked as if this was a battlefield and I had just won it. Quite the sight indeed.

Around the eveening, my stomach started to grumble and I didn't really knew what to do. For all this time, there was actually no one who came in to check on me at all. I had hoped that my maid would actually come and check upon me or anyone else. Of course I didn't really think that the duke or my brotheres would do this at all. Still this was just another hard fact that made me feel as if I was being chocked. It was a hard reality and I had no ally's here at all.

Can't even check if I am okay or how I feel...

What a family!

I want them all dead!

They can die and rot in hell and I wouldn't care for sure!

I hate this!


Why did it had to be me?

The more I got hungry and the louder my stomach was grumbling, the angrier I got. Without much thinking I stormed to the door after a while of just looking up and had to see encounter something really horrible. There were two people standing there at my door and they seemed to be some fucking guards as well. This was just ridiculous! Did they think I would go and hurt Ivonne? Was I a prisoner now?

When I saw them, I couldn't help but just freeze.

Me: What in the world?!

Thankfully for them, before I could completly lose my mind, the butler Penel came over. I wanted explainations but I knew I wouldn't get them here. So that was definitely useless. Each step I would take was just a hindrance here. No one was actually trusting me at all and they were openly showing this too. I was sick and tired of this. I hated seeing what was in front of me and out of spite, I would not get out of my room at all. In fact, I didn't even wanted an explaination anymore.

Me: Ah Penel.... be so kind to fetch me a pen, paper and a letter.

Penel: Yes, my lady.

Penel defnidely wanted to explain everything but I was not listening. I had send him to fetch me pen and paper without even listening to anything. This was ridiculous! They had put guards on me and they were not coming over to apologise nor see me nor say anything at all and send Penel here just now?! No, not with me. I was getting more and more angry the more I was thinking about it... this was all just soo infuriatingly ridiculously stupid. I was a human being and they could treat me as such for once or not?

Apparently not since they had no idea how I was feeling about this shit.

Anyways, I made Penel go fatch me some pen and paper and immediately started writing ignoring how my damn room looked like. He might have sighed and he might have looked displeased but also had this pity in his eyes but I didn't care at all. I would write this letter and if this is the last thing I would do.

Dear Callisto,

I have thought about the offer you had given me before and came to a conclusion that what I did was stupid. You may find out what is going on in my family by the time this letter reaches you. However I would like to make one thing clear, I do not care about your enemies, as they will become mind and I will be a loyal alley. On the other hand, I would like you to shield me from my family.

I hope you will accept this letter and I sincerely apologies for the confusion. 

I would have never believed that this family would treat me as a prisoner and imprison me in my own room. 

Your Faithfully,

Penelope Eckhart.

Once I was done writing it, I put one of the flowers I had on the floor in it and then closed the letter before sealing it and giving it to Penel telling him where this was supposed to go. Of course I knew I was not a person with a lot of words but he should know that I am quite in a situation and that I would accept anything he would offer me right now just to get out of here.

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