What a damn party this is...

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After that letter was done, I was just sitting in my room not wanting to anyone not even the maid I had on my side. I was furious, I was sad, I was... a mess. There was not anything else I could say about my current situation at all. This was just simply bad. I was a prisoner of my very own home and it was my family who made me this way.

Maybe I was stupid in refusing to see anyone but no one could blame me for this.

I was betrayed!

I was locked up!

And to make things worse... no one trusted me at all. 

After what I had done, I would have expected them to let me talk to at least Eckless or my father but no. Nothing of this sort happened at all. I was all alone. It was a sad reality that I had to face and if I couldn't even have someone who trusted me, then perhapse an ally was the right thing I needed.

It was not even a day after I had send out that letter that I had Penel at my door knocking over and over again while I shooed him away. I think around the third time, I grabbed a cushion and was ready to throw it at the old butler but instead, when the door opened my cushion hit Callisto right in his face.

Callisto: Is this how you greet people nowadays?

Me: Callisto?!

Callisto: Did you expect someone else Penelope?

Since when are we on first name basis?

Wait... did I even started this?

I was confused when I watched him come closer and closer to me with the cushion in his hand and then offering it to me as I was still on the bed in the same attire I had worn yesterday. There was no need to change it, I had simply not bothered as I was angry and venting soo much that I somehow fell asleep and didn't bother to dool myself up anymore. Food and something to Drink was also something I should get myself soon.

Callisto: I received your letter and rushed here immediately.

Me: ... why would you do that?

Callisto: You are my soon to be fiance.

Me: .... 

Callisto: Or did you rethink it again?

Me: No.

I was a mad dog and as a mad dog, I would show my family my teeth and bite back if I had too. There was nothing stopping me now anymore. After all I had given up all hopes I had for myse family.

Callisto: If this is the case, then let us go.

Me: Where?

Callisto: Our home.

Me: ... 

Callisto: What's wrong?

Me: Can you send my maid in, so I can at least wear something... more appropriately?

Callisto: Pfff- I will not wait for another minute.

He did say that and then just grabbed me and started princess carrying me away from my room. No one could stop this man and I knew this. 

Me: Ca-Callisto!

Callisto: You will be taken care of in my palace.

Me: BUT!

I tried to struggle but soon stopped doing that. There was no way I could get out of this and as fast as he came to see me, we were already outside the mansion. It was only then that my father came running out with my brothers calling out for the prince who didn't stop at all until he probably felt my squeeze as I was holding on to him.

Duke: You may be crown prince but you have no right to take my daughter with you!

Callisto: Your daughter? If you are turly conserned about her, then you wouldn't have locked her up!

Duke: It was-

Callisto: Did you even check on her since you seem to have found your real daughter Ivonne? Let me congratulate you on that.

Duke: ...

Callisto: You have no right to call yourself her father after what she had endured here. I will be taking care of her from here on out since she is my fiance.

Duke: WHAT?!

Callisto: I would be very careful how you talk to me, or her from now on or I will be the reason why the Eckharts are no longer walking among us besides Penelope here.

This was definitely one hell of a warning that even my whole family couldn't just ignore. Was it however wrong from me to feel happy at this moment. Somehow I really truly was happy and not regretting anything to have left this mansion.

Callisto: Darling... do you need anything from here?

I was thinking for a bit and then decided there was one, just one person I would like to have by my side.

Me: My maid. 

She knew a lot and because of that, I would rather have her by my side then leave her in this mansion.

Callisto: Very well... you heard her. Her maid is coming with us.

And then we were already off to the carriage and then to my new life and my new home. 

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