What is this?

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After last night, I didn't really know what to do at all. I mean the whole day we were actually together and I might have even fallen asleep from all the exhaustion. He was just perfect. What should I say else. He was way too perfect and he was definitely not deserving of another woman. I claimed him and he belongs to me. I would do everything to actually make him stay. No one could blame me for that. 

When I woke up laying next to him, he looked at me and smiled. 

Callisto: Morning love.

Me: Morning darling.

Callisto: I hope you could have rested well.

That was a bit of an understatement. I could rest but I also felt sore. Tho it was all worth it since he did send me over to cloud 9 a couple of times. So no regrets here at all. I could definitely live like this every now and then for sure.

Me: Yes.... tho I prefer to rest a bit more and.... get a nice snack here and there.

He smiled when he heard me say that and he understood the assignment because next thing he did was give me a kiss. Still the moment was a bit short lived since we had a guard storm into the room including a maid and another guard. It was the headmaid from the queen and I could guess what she wanted. It was quite obvious since I knew that the queen was poisoned. Perhaps these were even the good news that she had passed away.

Callisto: What in the name of-


HeadMaid: Penelope Eckhart, you are under arrest!

Me: WHAT?!


It was Callisto who got out of the bed and took the sword right next to him to actually warn these people. Quite the obvious threat. One more step and they would meet his sword.

Headmaid: We have assumption that that wrench poisoned the queen.

Me: What?

Callisto: She was with me the whole day yesterday and last week she was in the library or this room.

So he knew about this....


Didn't expect anything else at all.

Headmaid: She killed the queen!

Me: And how do you expect me to have done that? If anything, wouldn't it make more sense that the one closest to the queen would kill her?

With that, I managed to shift all the attention to the headmaid. I was indeed the one who had poisoned the queen but there was nothing they could actually say that would make me look guilty.

Callisto: Indeed. Guards, take her away.

The guards seem to be on Callistos side. Really no wonder since they could lose their very own life as well. One wrong move and Callisto would not even blink before slashing and attacking them. So in short, they were definitely not tired of life and started to drag the maid out. 

Callisto on the other hand came to my bed to kiss me and it was only then that he looked at me with loving and soft eyes that I understood what he wanted to say.... not as if I did expect him to ever confess to me like this.

Callisto: I love you Penelope. I was foolish to underestimate you in the beginning... but you caught my heart..... stay here while I deal with this nuisence.

Me: Mh....

I really didn't know how else to respond to this.

Don't go?

No, that wouldn't be a good way to say it.

He also doesn't want a weak woman.

If so then he could have taken any other one.

.... then....

Me: Show them no mercy... 

This time it was me who grabbed him to kiss him a bit more intensly before letting him go. That smirk on his face was telling me everything I had to know and just like that, he got out of the room. No need to be afraid and there was no need to tell him that I was indeed the one behind everything. I was sure that there was no lead that it was indeed me.

He confessed!

He really confessed!

And then...

The the icon... it just vanished above his head....

Does that mean, I am free?

I didn't know what to say or think but I knew that I was happy and with this happiness, I left myself fall backwards into the bed and then pull the blanket over my head while smiling like an idiot. 

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