My choice!

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Oh my lord, I was dumbfounded and speechless right now. What was I supposed to do here? Callisto expected me to make a decision but was it really okay for me to do it? After all this was a life or death situation for the maid. There were not many things I could do about this. If we go by what Callisto wants then this maid would die right here. If we go by my conscience then she would live since I wouldn't be able to stand seeing someone die.

What do I do?

What do I do?

Do I let her die here?


It was a small idea but it was at least something. Perhapse this was stupid but on the other hand it was that crazy that it might work again.

Me: How about using her as a spy then?

Callisto: Pardon?

Me: Send her as a gift to your mother.

Callisto: Are you trusting her that much? She tried to harm you in multiples ways.

Me: And she will pay for this.

Callisto: Explain.

Me: Poison. Give her a poison where we have the antidote. Something that will kill her in a short amount of time yet something we can pospone. That will guarantee that she will meet us in a period of time. She wants to live after all, no?

Callisto: You truly are worth being my princess.

That smile he flashed me gave me goosebumps but it was wroth it. Besides this was something that I read in way too many stories. Never ever thought I would actually be the one who would suggest this and see it happening in real life.

Callisto: You heard my princess wish.

The guards nodded and started dragging the maid away who was begging on her knees. I know that this was cruel but for some reasons I was not feeling that bad about it. After all at least she was still alive and not dead at this point of time.

Callisto: Come.... I have an even better gift prepared for you.

Me: Another gift?

Callisto: Yes. There will be a ball held soon.

Me: Another one?

Callisto: Yes. This time it is to celebrate you.

Me: Me?

Callisto: For this, I thought after the hunting event that another hunting game would be quite nice since you seemed to enjoy yourself.

Me: It was something else.

In a good and a bad way...

Callisto started showing me more and more to the place where all the weapons would be at and once we got inside, he quickly walked to a desk where there seemed some wapons already neatly prepared on a white cloth which soo looked out of place.

Me: Callisto?

Callisto: You used a crossbow last time but I insisted for the greatest weaponmaker to create these for you. All of them are light and easy to you. This one is the most important weapon you should always and I mean always keep close by.

I really didn't had the chance to do anything here as he took the dagger and bag it was in. It seemed as if it was going around my leg. As I thought about it, Callisto already went down to his knees and carefully lifted my dress so he could attach it around my leg.

Callisto: Try pulling it out and attack me.

Me: WHAT?!

Callisto: It's fine you can't hurt me with it.

Me: Are you sure?

Callisto: Yes.

Alright, he said it after all. There was no need to frightened and so I tried pulling it out which was easy and the dagger itself was very light. I couldn't even tell that I was wearing it all. While I did pull the dagger out, I did not attack him at all. To be honest, I didn't know how at all. No one ever taught me to weild any kind of weapon at all.

Callisto: Pfff- do you like it?

Me: Yes.

Callisto: Good, now try to attack me.

Me: I-

Callisto: It's alright.

Though he was saying that to me, there was no way I knew how to actually attack him so I quickly put the dagger away. He was watching me all this time and I knew what this was all about. Callisto was a man who would be attacked at each possibilities. Seeing as he gave me this as a gift, meant that he wanted to give me a way to protect myself. However in this game, in this life, we were partners and there was no way I would attack him at all.

Me: I can't.

Callisto: You can't or you don't want too?

Me: I don't want too... and I don't know how to use any of these wapons besides the crossbow.

 It seems he like that answer....


This was nerve wracking!

I have a feeling he was also testing me here....

Giving me a weapon and a chance to attack him....

YEAH... if this is not a test, I'll eat my hat.

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